seller list 3 items in stock but cancels sale and refunds money after 2 weeks, but still lists items

Seller had an item listed with 3  sold and 3 in stock, I purchase one and receive confirmation of payment and positive feedback. Two weeks pass and item not received, so I contact the seller. The seller says that item is no longer available, but it is still listed as 3 item sold and 3 available, Seller suggest I accept an alternate item. I politely declined the offer, so the seller says the item he is offering is worth more than the item I purchased but they will give it to me for the amount that I had paid. Again I declined. The seller then cancelled my purchase and refunded my money. but the item is still listed for sale 3 months later. Seller has six other fee backs with the same complaint, but I was unable to leave feedback as the seller cancelled the transaction before I had the opertunity.


Is it acceptable for a seller to list items and accept payment for goods  that they can not supply, just to maintain a caskflow?

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I doubt they are doing it for cashflow reasons.

More likely they are waiting for stock but don't want to end the listing so they lose their place in searches.

The seller probably doesn't realise there is now an O.O.S function for non store holders.