My review rejected for "profanity" etc

Could somebody explain why the review (for a toy plastic skeleton) would be rejected because "Reviews may not contain profanity, seller feedback, HTML or links to other websites."


"The shoulder joints do not articulate properly as they are not balljpoints.Therefore the arms cannot be posed. One of the hip joints did not fit and the leg sticks out sideways on the stand. I reckon this was known, as the screw holding it in was already bent. It's an amusing toy but not anatomically correct by a long way."


Thanks for any help



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possible the delicate little bots pick up b.a.l.l. or s.c.r.e.w. as a swear?



I know on another fourm I am on, if you type a normal word that is also slang for swear, when you post it comes out with that word as 'censored'