can i get a ebay users phone number i want n ebay members phone contact details divinevegan

i purchased an item paid for it ,had no contact details to pickup the item ,need it asap as i sent 2x emails already with no reply..item number 123378430836 vw fuel tank

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Note: you're not contacting eBay by posting on these boards. They are public forums on which any eBay member can post, and the responders are, like you, fellow eBay members who give voluntary helpful advice and information. (The standard of help is usually well above the type of cut-and-paste help provided by eBay customer service.)


You should be able to phone your seller (even though it's now more difficult with eBay's paranoia about eBay members contacting each other).


Quoting from the Contacting a seller page:


Find your seller’s phone number

Sellers can choose to share their phone number before and/or after a sale. If your seller has opted to share their number, you’ll find it in one of these places should you need to contact them:

  • On the Find answers page by selecting Other once you’ve chosen Contact seller from a listing. You’ll see an option to view the seller’s phone number if they’ve opted to share it.
  • On the contact form on the Find answers page once you’ve selected Contact seller.
  • If you respond to an email sent by your seller, you’ll see an option to view their phone number if they’ve opted to share it.

Actually... I've just checked with items that I purchased this year; I can't see any seller's phone number via those methods. The only phone numbers I could find were of two sellers who had stores, where going into the store showed me contact information link (including phone number). I wish you the very best of luck, and hopefully you can obtain your seller's contact information. (It's a real mess.)