Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

I recently purchased an expensive item from a seller, $181, I asked for Registered post so it could be properly tracked, Seller refused. I was happy to pay for it. It of cause gets lost. Seller promises to replace or refund. Then suddenly tells me becasue the recipt guid tracking number shows it as deleivred to my SUBURB it is classed as deleived and Ebay has told him that that is fine. According to Ebay as long as the item is deleivered with 30kms from my address it is classed as deleivered. In other words anyone can post an item, put a rock in it, send it to some other address and get a recipt from Aus Post with a "guide" trcking number as Aus post call it, As soon as that item gets to that other address it shows as deleivered and Ebay Paypal are happy. Nothing the buyer can do. I even left a Neg feed back to seller and Ebay removed it, The feedback was honest and correct to Ebay guidlines. Paypal wont do a thing as Ebay states its been deleivred. If the seller used Regstered post it would of been correctly deiviered. Does anyone else see problems with this?   This is not only showing unsafe practises But leaving it wide open for many scammers. I am at a lose how Ebay can allow this. I asked Ebay and they also stated as long as it is deleivered with 30km of my address then it is classed as deleivred and does not get covered under buyer protection. Then removeing feedback to protect a shonky seller, How many negs has he had removed to keep a 100% rating?

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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

If the item sent was sent as a parcel, then you can't technically get registered post as that is no longer offered since all parcels have a tracking number. The equivalent these days is signature on delivery, which of course costs extra and you were willing to pay for. First step would be to go and see your local post office with the tracking number the seller provided and see if they can tell you where it was delivered to. They can access more from the tracking number in their system than what you can from their website.


If it is showing as delivered, it has been scanned at the end point and they should be able to see which driver scanned it. They may not tell you who that is, but they should be able to check on their system. They then should be able to contact that driver and find out where he delivered it to. If you have a local mail sorting centre, try there as that's where the parcel would have been given to the delivery driver.


If you live somewhere where there is a similar sounding street, sometimes things get delivered to the similar sounding street. I have it happen quite often. He gets my mail, I get his. We have agreed that we will deliver each others mail, which we have. The only reason I found out this was happening was, he turned up one day out of the blue with some legal documents I was waiting for. He said the letter looked important (which it was!), so he brought it around. I then produced a couple of his letters that I was going to take back to the post office. One was his insurance renewal that he'd been waiting for, so was grateful.

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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

If the parcel has been scanned as delivered, it is the responsibility of the addressess (ie the buyer) to follow-up with Australia Post.


It would be useful to have some proof of the address where the seller sent it, eg a photo or a copy of the click and send recepit or something, but if he's not being responsive there isn't much you can do to get him to talk.


After that, there are some legal avenues you can follow.  There is the online fraud police ACORN who deal with matters such as this. When you make a report, I believe you may need to sign a statutory declaration stating that you did not receive the item.  I've never been through the process but I'm sure there are others on here who can assist.


If you funded the payment with a credit card through paypal, then you might be able to get your money back via a chargeback, but again I can't guarantee your success.


I sincerely wish you the best of luck.  Please keep us upated.

Message 3 of 50
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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

It's a scam because why would the seller refuse to post it registered when you're willing to pay the extra.

And you can register parcels,it's the same as signature on delivery,they are both the same methods.

Message 4 of 50
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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.



If you funded the payment with a credit card through paypal, then you might be able to get your money back via a chargeback, but again I can't guarantee your success.


Seriously? This is your advice to OP?

And if by chance OP was to be given a refund on the CC - where does that leave the seller?

Especially if he posted it correctly. If anything shows as delivered, it surely also must show what address it was delivered to - if OP rang them (AP)and asked.

And just imagine if the parcel  turns up eventually - with your advice in getting the money back - OP may very well find himself at the other end of the law - the wrong end!

OP, as for the removal of your f/back - you seem to be upset just as much about that as about your missing parcel.

The reason it was removed I suppose is because seller could prove (as far as Ebay is concerned) that it was delivered.

And the same goes for you too - you'd feel like a right charlie leaving the bad f/back if the parcel turns up later or Post Office manages to locate it.

So be thankful that it will not happen now - Ebay did you a favour there by removing it.

Message 5 of 50
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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

crow33 crow,

it may very well be a scam - but the fact appears to be that something must have been delivered, according to the PO records.

As for not posting it Registered, some people hate it as they have to fill up the forms - it's quicker and easier just to send with normal trackable post.

Message 6 of 50
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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

If it's a valuable item then registered is the way to go because trackable parcel gets left in a letterbox or your front door.

What forms?

I post registered,the post office puts a sticker on the parcel,I get a receipt that's it done.

Message 7 of 50
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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

crow, not true- the part about just being a sticker.

You have to manually write it on a form or at least a sheat of paper, and get them to stamp it - it can't be done online, sitting in your chair.

Message 8 of 50
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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

As mentioned by one of the other posters this has all the hallmarks of a scam.  All parcels are trackable through APost now the only extras to pay would be signature on delivery and insurance.  If you offered to pay extra and the seller refused then they were obviously (IMO) setting up a scam.  Seller could send a blank piece of paper to an address in your suburb with tracking and claim item has been delivered.  


Certainly you need to contact ACORN (a link can be found on various other threads on this subject), but if you can't find it someone here will help out.  You need to let your seller know that you are following up this matter with APost and with the online fraud squad and that you would expect them to be contacted.


In other words make a lot of noise but be sure to make the contacts suggested and suppy the necessary reference numbers provided to eBay which can sometimes alter earlier decisions.  Good luck.



Message 9 of 50
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Re: Ebay SCAMMER and Ebay Removing Neg feedback.

Um sorry but I get a receipt they put the tracking number sticker on the receipt that I keep for my reference and the other part of the tracking onto the parcel that's it.

The tracking number is also printed on the receipt.

They scan the parcel then throw it into the big box behind them,we say have a nice day to each other see you 2morrow.

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