ACRONYMS with a difference.

I love playing the acronyms game but some times I would love to use the same word and move the letters to make the acronym different.

Do you want to play and give it a try?


You take risks.
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

Hilary goes out in a collier's cart

Message 5711 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

Robots attack the chateau.


Message 5712 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

Those cherrys are usually handpicked evenings Adele

Message 5713 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

Donโ€™t let addled eels exfoliate.


Message 5714 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

Xavier fatally attacked the old English lawyer in Europe

Message 5715 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

England uses our resources, espouses Peru

Message 5716 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

Roman Emperor upsets pandas.


Message 5717 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

apples and pears sat dormant, strange

Message 5718 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

strange that apples, nectarines, grapes rarely eaten

Message 5719 of 6,157
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Re: ACRONYMS with a difference.

nutritionists are eating endives, true!

Message 5720 of 6,157
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