The safety of the eBay community is our top priority, so we want to make you aware of this alert from the ACCC regarding the potential dangers of button batteries.


Button batteries can be found in a wide variety of products, including children’s toys, lights, remote controls, watches and many more. While button batteries are generally safe to use, if left unsecured, they present a significant safety risk for children. The ACCC has put together the information below to help protect you and your family. If you sell button batteries or items that contain button batteries, please read this information carefully and consider including it in your listings. 


  • Important steps to check before you buy a product potentially containing button batteries
  • How to properly secure button batteries in a product
  • Storing button batteries out of reach of children and their safe disposal
  • Knowing what to do in an emergency

Please visit the ACCC’s website for more information. We also encourage you to review eBay’s Product Safety Guidance document here for more information on a variety of products.


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