On 4 September, we began migrating listings with the item condition ‘Manufacturer refurbished’ to ‘Seller refurbished’.  ‘Manufacturer refurbished’ is now no longer a valid item condition for listings on ebay.com.au. The ‘Seller refurbished’ item condition will cover all items that have been refurbished by the seller, the manufacturer or a third party. 


What this means for you:

  • All listings that were previously listed under ‘Manufacturer Refurbished’ have been moved under ‘Seller Refurbished’
  • When creating new listings for refurbished items, you can select ‘Seller Refurbished’ or another item condition

If you list using an integration or third-party listing tool: 

  • For listings which had the ‘Manufacturer refurbished’ item condition, you won’t be able to edit the listing (including item specifics, quantity or price) without also updating the item condition to ‘Seller refurbished’ or one of the other item condition options.
  • We will be working with third parties to notify them of these changes but we still encourage you to edit your item condition proactively

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