Cat's Perilous Jump Carrying Kitten

Good morning crazy cat ppl!


Open up the news and found this amazing story:


If you're a parent, you know the feeling. You'd pick your child up and carry them through whatever life threw at you as long as you knew they'd be safe in the end.

This cat holds its baby in its jaws (that's how they do it - no hands, remember), while it scrambled along wires, up trees, and finally make a dangerous-looking leap into a window.

Click through for more cat mothers being adorably protective, including one that comforts its kitten through a nightmare, one that rescues its offspring from a human child, and another that keeps its kittens in a box.

Click Here To See All Videos


Have a great day!

Loved them all, but the last one where the mother cat hugs the kitten having a nightmare is just so motherly!