Budget 2017

wasnt it this government who said we had a huge debt and there needed to be huge spending cuts?


where is all the money comming from for all the sudden spending promises?



Message 1 of 43
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Budget 2017



new calculator, new answer

Message 3 of 43
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Budget 2017

and more cash from the mystery money tree


Budget 2017: WA Labor's Metronet road, rail plan gets $1.2b federal kickstart



Message 4 of 43
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Budget 2017

Budget 2017: AFP to get $321m funding boost to hire extra personnel




i need to get one of mr morrisons calculators so i can spend spend spend and still be seeing my debt falling.

Message 5 of 43
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Budget 2017

@davidc4430 wrote:

and more cash from the mystery money tree


Budget 2017: WA Labor's Metronet road, rail plan gets $1.2b federal kickstart



Relax, have some dip. There ain't no shortage of dosh and that's for sure. This morning we learn that about 870,000 non-citizens are claiming AUD$15 billion in welfare payments.

Message 6 of 43
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Budget 2017

Non-citizens of course being permanent residents who may be out of work. Did they give the numbers of permanent residents who do pay tax and how many $ billions that adds up to? Let me guess the source. The Murdoch press?
Message 7 of 43
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Budget 2017

if they are using centerlinks computers (most likely still running windows '95) then the figures are likely to be way off.


maybe they counted 1 guy 870,000 times?

Message 8 of 43
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Budget 2017

My OH is a permanent resident and pays enough tax per week to fund the unemployment benefits paid to two of those permanent residents.

Not all permanent residents are bludgers.







































































































































































































































































































Message 9 of 43
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Budget 2017

The Murdoch press deliberately used that term to give its 'come in spinner' readership the impression that they were illegals,rorters etc.
Message 10 of 43
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