Thanks Alyceanne 🙂


I have plenty more. Those in the kitchen are either little teapots or S&P shakers.


I'll post some of my others in the next few days.

Not sure if I've done this properly, but just had to join the Caturday group...The posts always make me smile at the end of my day.  I'm sure Milo our boy would not eat me, he's far too fussy!


One day, I could not make it up the stairs in time to answer the ringing phone,   just as I reached the top, Milo had beaten me to the phone, and had his paw on the spiral cord, tapping it, as if he could take the call!!


Everytime we go out now, we ask him to take any calls, and please "do not ring your mates"!

Please tell me how to show a photo under the message, thanks cat lovers

Hi Banora 🙂


Do you have pictures of your own saved to your My Pictures on you computer? If not, you can go on to the net (I always google cat images, you get pages and pages of them. Right click, go to Save As and save to your computer.


To insert a picture into your post, click on to the little green tree icon on the bar at the top. At the top you will see the image: browse button. Click on to that you can then go to your computer My Pictures and choose the one you want.  Click upload. Then click insert.


You'll probably need to experiment a bit.

My Mishka is settling in well. much so that she slept with my hubby for the past two nights. Think i had better try moving back inside to my bed after sleeping outside for the past 8 months, or i might lose my spot in the bed lol
She is so affectionate and is always wanting a cuddle. Poor hubby copped two furball messes so far, as i am unable to get to the floor....not that i mind lol. But despite combing her everyday which she loves, we are getting used to the little white clumps of fur she leaves for us. At least theyre easy to pick up 🙂

Still cant work out how to put a photo on rather than an image file. As i cant find the little green button on my ipad screen.


This is Milo, the boss of the house. Thankyou Icy, loved your article about the cats eating the poor owner. I guess I just love black humour!!!!  As I said, Milo would never eat me, he is just too fussy!


I figured out where the little green tree was. Alyceanne, I love your pic.   I had the same problem with loading a photo. But when you get the text box up to write your message, there is a tree icon (just to the right of the smiley face) on my computer, click on that and load the photo following the instruction, then choose SMALL to load the pic. Don't use the attachment thingy at the bottom, what is that for??



Your Milo is very handsome, Boh 🙂


Alyceanne you are still recovering from when you got bowled over by a 4WD?

aww I wish Milo was mine and I am jealous of banorasewing

All the kitties here are beauties!

Thank you BOH, I'm new to this as well, but I'm happy to share him on these pages, that I only recently discovered.


Milo belonged to our daughter and her husband, but when they left our home, he refused to go with them!  He eats his dinner, is clean and tidy, well mannered, and never asks for money....the perfect child! He also winks with his left eye sometimes, usually just as his photo is taken!!

