Guide Cat Gives Blind Dog Better Life

A blind dog in Wales who hardly ever left its basket because it would bump into things now has a new lease on life thanks to a helpful stray cat.


Because of cataracts, eight year-old pup Terfel can only see patches of light and darkness.

But as soon as its owner adopted Pwditat, things changed.

On their first meeting the cat walked up to Terfel in its basket and led it out into the garden.

Pwditat has continued to lead its vision-impaired friend around the home since.

"Pwditat immediately seemed to know that Terfel is blind," Anne Cragg, who cares for the pair now that their owner isn't able to, said.

"She uses her paws to help guide him.

"They are glued to each other and even sleep together now"



What a lovely story.  The dear little things.  

If you say pwditat it sounds like puddytat, and of course

 the Welsh bless them do stick Ps in front of everything. 

That is a lovely story ๐Ÿ™‚


I'm happy for them found each others.


I found cats are very sensitive for other animal's feelings. When my little gog was very sick and dying, Pillow ,our little girl cat, used to lie down next to him to keep him company even though she doesn't normally like dogs.


When out little dog passed away and Syrup, my avatar dog, became alone and lonely, Blanket, our boy cat, took her outside to play with her and Pillow went to next to her to lie down when Syrup was in bed.


Cats are healers and good carers too.




aw that made my eyes mist over a bit, Syrups ๐Ÿ™‚


Mine too.   ๐Ÿ™‚



That was nearly a couple of years ago at Easter time.


Pillow and Blanket were about 6 months old. They were good kittens ๐Ÿ™‚


that's such a lovely story makes me eyes well up. That that's goes to prove how wonderful and loving cats really are.

When life gives you lemons.
Squeeze them into people's eyes

They sure are, and very clever too.  

I miss having a cat so much but the next best thing is 

reading about them.      ๐Ÿ™‚