BLOODY HELL! when did ebay change all the listings to 'good till cancelled'?

Far out.  I have been caring fulltime for my elderly mother, and ignoring ebay for a year, not realising that items were automatically relisti ng! My fees on non stores are through the roof! OMG, when did this happen?

items should have just ended, but have been relisting themselves every  month at $1.65 per item.  Talk about operating at a massive loss!

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BLOODY HELL! when did ebay change all the listings to 'good till cancelled'?

eBay changed BIN's to GTC ages ago and informed members.


Call eBay and see if they will do a one time discretionary credit.

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BLOODY HELL! when did ebay change all the listings to 'good till cancelled'?

20 February.


It is hardly eBay's fault that you neglected your account. If you didn't have time to keep tabs on it, you wouldn't have had time to post anything you sold. You might have, expensively, dodged a defect bullet there.

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BLOODY HELL! when did ebay change all the listings to 'good till cancelled'?

The change was made in February, and some (but not all) selling accounts were notified.

Updates in March notified all selling accounts.

The only way your items would have started to roll over was if you had auto-relist ticked, or originally listed items as good-til-cancelled.

Even if you were otherwise occupied, surely you checked your emails/accounts occasionally in case something sold?

As suggested, call eBay and see if they will do a one time credit, but be prepared to have them either refuse, or only refund for one month's worth of relisting.
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