Courier Company Choice?

Is it possible to message seller regarding shipment not to use a particular courier (Fastway Couriers) who refuse to deliver to our area yet continually tell sellers that they do.

Parcels never delivered they say "Problem with address" or rquest purchaser to additional frieght on top of shipping payment already made, or just return purchases to seller, saying could not deliver.

Every other courier and Australia post do deliver here.

This is causing great problem as Fastway Tout more and more sellers.

This company is making  Ebay  a useless avenue to purchase items for delivery to South Coast New South Wales.

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Courier Company Choice?



I don't see that it would be a problem for you to message a seller before making a purchase, asking something along those lines.


"Dear [seller],


I would love to buy this item [item title or number]. Before I do, I wanted to check with you about the courier or delivery method. Can you confirm that you don't use Fastway Couriers - or would be happy to use a different courier to send to me? Fastway Couriers don't deliver to our area, although I believe that they mistakenly may inform their customers that they do.

To avoid a problem, I would just ask that you use Australia Post, or any other courier, as we've never had any problems with delivery with any courier other than Fastway!
I hope you don't mind my contacting about this, and I look forward to hearing from you.



Message 2 of 8
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Courier Company Choice?

I think you may find that many sellers like myself use SENDLE couriers which are a broker like company for many courier companies - predomiately Couriers Please which is excellent and unfortunately Fastway.  I have had the same problem.  The seller will not know which courier company is being used until they book the parcel. 


Might be and idea to ask if they are using SENDLE.

Message 3 of 8
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Courier Company Choice?

Thanks that is what we are currently doing, the problem is sometimes takes days to get an answer then you have to start the process over again.

Just trying to get an easier way of requesting not to use Fastway.

Have tried messaging at time of purchase but often items despatched before they read the message.

Thanks anyway

Message 4 of 8
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Courier Company Choice?


Fastway causing me no end of grief.

Thinking Ebay now pretty useless to me unless seller specifically states courier used

Thanks for your reply

Message 5 of 8
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Courier Company Choice?

I've bought items twice where a courier has been used despite my default delivery address being a Po Box - now I'm not sure firstly why the seller wouldn't pick this up but secondly why the courier wouldn't. In both cases got a phone call from the courier to get a physical address.
Message 6 of 8
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Courier Company Choice?

I am continually having the same problem with this company (FASTWAYS) They accept to deliver an item to an address which they know they do not service then tell the seller that had tried to deliver but no one was home when they have made no effort what so ever and then expect the buyer to drive to there depot to pick up goods! They were paid to deliver and if they wont they should have informed the seller before accepted the contract to deliver (Surely it is a breach of contract)

Would it be possible for the seller to specify in their add as to the company they use for delivery! would save a lot of upset & disappointment to say nothing of drop in refunds having to be made

Message 7 of 8
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Courier Company Choice?

@imdisconut wrote:


Would it be possible for the seller to specify in their add as to the company they use for delivery! would save a lot of upset & disappointment to say nothing of drop in refunds having to be made.


I very much doubt if there are many sellers that use their own couriers unless they have large/heavy items to send. 


BUT given that eBay actively encourages sellers to use Sendle, who of course are courier brokers and will use the cheapest courier available, then it's very doubtful if the seller is going to know which courier is going to be used (there may even be different couriers for different parts of the journey).


I always avoid sellers using Sendle as I've had continual problems with them both in Perth and in the country area I live in now.


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