Dishonest seller selling fake products

Community Member

I recently purchased an Ab Circle pro exercise machine (251258943636) which the seller took  photos of a genuine one assembled and also uploaded a photo of the receipt. What i received was a fake cheap Chinese made item. I have taken the steps to get a refund and am waiting a reply..... I have also noticed that this seller is selling the same product again ( 251264439894) so there are other people receiving cheap dodgy equipment thinking it is the real genuine article. This needs to stop. when I contacted the seller, they argued that the product is the one assembled, but it is clearly not the same.

Message 1 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

This seller has sold 2 so far one to you and also one to someone before you for $88.00 look at the feedback they left on 17/04/13 and now they have a 3rd for sale with the exact same description.


Open a claim for SNAD with Pay Pal, let them know you think it is a fake and give them all the item numbers for this product, you will probably have to confirm with the authorized manufacture of this product that it is fake before you will get a refund from Pay Pal.  


If it is fake you probably will not have to return it, I am sure there will be more experienced sellers/buyers on here later to help.  

Message 2 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

Community Member

Thanks Mainecoon1. I have contacted PayPal and they have looked into it. Should receive the refund within 10 days.If not responded by the seller within the 10 days PayPal will automatically refund me..... Not sure whether i need to return it??? Should have asked.... Anybody else know??

Message 3 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

Interesting as his description is the same for all three listings.  So he must have bought at least 3 for his wife who never even looked at them - ha ha ha

Message 4 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

I have just emailed the seller & asked him just HOW many he bought for his wife as he has already sold 3 or 4, perhaps a few others should do  the same, he may get the message !


Good luck koala !

Message 5 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

Community Member

Lol I will do the same

Message 6 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

Community Member

Send the bike back but COD!! get them to pay for the postage and a little bit extra.

Message 7 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

Community Member

Wot a find you are exactly right. we write something a little on the neg side regarding Ebay and you will find a message in your inbox and a slap on the wrist.

 Ebay knowingly knows its letting people selling fake copied stuff, the've been doing it for years.

 Please Ebay respond to this letter and the forum and explain your side of the story.

Message 8 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

Send the bike back but COD!! get them to pay for the postage and a little bit extra.


That is about the worst piece of advice I have seen on the boards for a while and that takes some doing!


If the buyer sent it back thst way they have absolutely no proof of delivery and all the seller has to do is refuse to pay forand accept the returned item and the buyer will either have to pay even more to get their fake back or just eve it and have no money and no item.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 9 of 16
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Dishonest seller selling fake products

I also messaged the seller asking how come he had 3 ab circle pros all purchased for his wife and not used. His reply was that he had bought 3, 1 for his wife, and 2 for his sisters.


 photo GRUMPYCATSIGN_zpsa8f18bba.jpg
Message 10 of 16
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