Price changes during buying process

The other day I attempted to buy a swimsuit popover. The price was $3.99 with free postage. I had to select a pattern and price stayed the same. I then had to select a size (which was actually no choice, as it came in only one size). When the size was selected the price went up to $14.99. I didn't notice this until I had gone onto the next screen, when I closed the window and got out of that item.


I then received an email from the  seller saying I had won the item for $14.99. I replied saying I had wanted the item for $3.99, not $14.99.  I have not heard back from them. I actually checked several times, and got someone else to repeat the process in case I had made a mistake somewhere. I hadn't - same thing happened each time.


I feel this is a rort, and that they are hoping that people will pay by Paypal and not notice until it is to late. My query is do I have any responsibility to buy i (I don't feel that I do) and what steps do I take?


Should I let ebay know because I feel this seller is abusing the whole system.




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Price changes during buying process

@tezza999 wrote:

 My query is do I have any responsibility to buy

Yes, if you confirmed the purchase as it sounds like you did, then you do have a responsibility to follow through and pay for it.


Not taking notice of the purchase price is, I'm afraid, not a good enough reason to refuse to pay it.


The seller is obviously using a variation format listing, and different prices are allowed for different variations. Sometimes, the seller uses a bait and switch tactic, where they offer a completely different item for a very low price, and the actual advertised items are more expensive, but if the items being offered in the listing conform with policy, then there's nothing eBay can or will do about the listing. 

Message 2 of 16
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Price changes during buying process

How awful and upsetting. Some sellers have got a downright nerve.
Message 3 of 16
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Price changes during buying process

Why do sellers have a nerve to list in a format that is allowed by ebay?

It is the buyer who did not look at the price when they changed to buying a variation of the original listing.

Message 4 of 16
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Price changes during buying process


That's the point: there was no change in the item. It was exactly the same as the original item. There was NO variation.The price altered when I chose a size, which was not even necessary as the item was one size  fits all. The only way to describe the way this was done is surrepticious. It was not like other examples where you look at eg a knife and the seller then offers a variety of different size knives at different prices. I repeat: this was exactly the same item, no change.


If ebay fnds these sort of practices acceptable, then I am extremely disappointed in it.

Message 5 of 16
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Price changes during buying process

In order for there to be a price difference, there has to be a variation available for $3.99, and size is a variation. It's impossible for a listing to show up as $3.99 if nothing is available at that price, so I would personally be interested in taking a look. 


It is not uncommon for a seller to list different (less popular) colours or sizes at lower prices, but without knowing exactly what it was that is offered for $3.99, it's impossible to say whether the seller has done anything wrong. 

Message 6 of 16
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Price changes during buying process

Without seeing the actual listing other sizes may have been available previously which have since sold out and subsequently been removed from the options available. This makes it look as though only the one size is available which is possibly why the price changed when the size was selected.

Message 7 of 16
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Price changes during buying process

The size is described as "one size fits S-XXL AU8-16." Sounds like that's there only size.



Message 8 of 16
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Price changes during buying process

The size is described as "one size fits S-XXL AU8-16."


Is it ethical for me to post a link to the item? I am reluctant to do so. I can, however, post the search words that would take you to the item if you are interested

Message 9 of 16
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Price changes during buying process

Just found the listing.


The $3.99 is for the belt which can be purchased separately and the tops are $14.99 (without the belt)


There is one size variation for the belt and a different size variation for the top.

Message 10 of 16
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