
Is it up to 4 days to receive a refund from seller?
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@michellebartley wrote:
Is it up to 4 days to receive a refund from seller?

michelle, what are the circumstances surrounding the transaction that has you asking this question?  Was it an overseas purchase?


Are you asking about a PayPal refund or eBay MBG refund?


More details will enable members to help you, but please make full disclosures and don't 'trickle' the information required.

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Message 2 of 18
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@michellebartley wrote:
Is it up to 4 days to receive a refund from seller?

michelle, what are the circumstances surrounding the transaction that has you asking this question?  Was it an overseas purchase?


Are you asking about a PayPal refund or eBay MBG refund?


More details will enable members to help you, but please make full disclosures and don't 'trickle' the information required.

Message 2 of 18
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Do you mean the time taken to clear the money into your account michelle?


Or the time taken for the seller to send the money if they've said they're going to refund you?


"Edit" beat me to it slr.....................


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 3 of 18
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not again!!

Message 4 of 18
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Ebay MBG = 30 days.

PayPal = 180 days.

It's 4 days until the seller can open a case against you for not paying.

You must already know this???

Message 5 of 18
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Smiley LOL  Wonder what it is this time ?

Message 6 of 18
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We'll probably know in a month or so when Michelle deigns to give us enough information to understand the question.

Message 7 of 18
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Lol, and you wouldn't think she'd even need to ask - quite sure she already knows how long a refund takes Smiley LOL

Just another one of her convoluted ways of getting to the point !!

Message 8 of 18
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A PayPal refund takes longer than it takes for you to send the seller 20 messages....


but not as long as it takes for you to repay the seller for parcels that you receive after getting a refund.


Or do you?

Message 9 of 18
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Do you? Given you are replying to yourself.


I wouldn't be so obsessive about opening disputes, so I wouldn't need the refunds in the first place.


And as you have already answered the question to your own satisfaction, what is the point of this thread?

Message 10 of 18
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