Could this really be the flu??

Symptoms are shivering, temperature of 39 +, vomiting, feeling like head is exploding with severe headaches and chronic fatigue.  No sore throat, congestion, runny nose or any other flu like symptom.  Has been going on over a week. Have taken OH to the doctor three times, first it was a virus (gastro) then a bacterial infection, sinus and now the flu...


I am concerned this is not the flu, no one else in the house is sick and since DD's have low immunity they usually catch everything going around.


I'm completely stumped but hope hes feeling better soon, there seems to be no real improvement and we've been told if symptoms get any worse over the weekend he has to go to the hospital.

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Re: Could this really be the flu??

If it is over a week and not getting better it is probably not the flu... 


There have been many viruses going around this season that has put people in bed for weeks... 


I personally would go to the emergency department if you feel he is not getting better, has chronic fatigue and feels like his head is going to explode. 


Can I ask..... Is he sensitive to light? And does he have any rash on his body? 

Message 2 of 21
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Re: Could this really be the flu??

oh.. and don't wait til the end of the weekend as that is what everyone does... then Sunday night is a huge wait and Monday is even longer. 

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Could this really be the flu??

Hi catmad,

Not so much sensitive to light but his sight is a little blurry, there is no rash or any sign of an infection through a cut or anything on his body.  It's a bit of a mystery hes been sick in his life and had bad viruses like most of us but nothing like this. The good thing is we are part of a small community and have really great hospital facilities, the doctor on this weekend is aware of his situation thankfully so if we have to go he will be in great hands.


Hopefully it is just a virus and we see some improvement over the next few days but if not we will pursue it further in case something else is going on.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Could this really be the flu??

Hi Bella,

Sorry to hear that your husband is unwell.Sorry,I don't have long to type a lengthy reply .Yes ,your Doctor could be correct in that your husband has the flu (which is a virus) .My dd had a flu not long ago that progress through a variety of sympoms for over a week  (one day she couldn't walk at all and I needed to carry her to the toilet) .Drs thought cold/? with sinus infection,then 'some virus and then The Flu.',We were backwards and forward to the drs or a&e every 2-3 days as the medical professionals recommended...her bloods were monitored and her white cell count dropped and the bloods showed Liver function abnormalities to a point where it was a concern.She has yet to have her next lot of bloods to make sure that her body has fully recovered.

All I can suggest is for him to rest,plenty of fluids,pain relief as needed and take him to the hospital/doctors if needed .Re your daughters.. them not having symptoms now ,unfortunately doesn't mean that they won't nor that what your husband has isn't the Flu as your Dr diagnosed.

All the best 

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Could this really be the flu??

Sounds awful Iza hope she is better now.  They are also monitoring OH's bloods. He has no sinus symptoms, no runny nose or congestion, sore throat or anything that would suggest the flu/cold or sinus( apart from the pressure in the head and headaches which could be due to the high fevers). He has not complained of aching muscles etc  I've never heard of a flu without at least one of those symptoms. 


His bloods show he has high infection indicators which could just mean his body is fighting a virus. Shall be interesting to see how things go over the next few days. Honestly I've never seen anything like it but if it is a virus its horrible ๐Ÿ˜ž  Although I am hoping that is all it is!

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Could this really be the flu??

Hi Bella there are a lot of odd viruses going around I have been sick for nearly 2 weeks, it started with a cough and a temperature and I fell like everything I do is a huge effort, I have had a constant headache but no runny nose, until yesterday i did not have a sore throat but I woke up this morning with a throat that feels like someone is rubbing sandpaper into it.  I have been very tired and even though I have been sleeping relatively well I have bags under my eyes. 


I hope your OH starts to feel better soon.  I hope that I start to feel better soon as wellCat Sad

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Could this really be the flu??

I think you really need to trust your gut feeling Bella... in reality we only have names for a limited number of viruses and you will find that there are many people that have some virus and their Dr can't find out what it is no matter what they test for. 


I would hope for some improvement in his symptoms over this weekend... as for your girls... everyone can practice hand hygiene.... wash all the time and make sure they wash before they eat... that will help they stay bug free. I do this at work and I have avoided catching anything this year and I work in the health sector. 


Maincoon... I hope you are ok... strange that symptoms have gotten worse... your system would be run down so after two weeks you might have gotten a secondary infection of some sort... it is usually when that happens that a Dr will consider antibiotics... 



Message 8 of 21
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Re: Could this really be the flu??

39+ is a very high temp, he should be in Hospital.


I really hope he is OK XXX

Message 9 of 21
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Re: Could this really be the flu??

Main sounds awful hope you recover soon!

Message 10 of 21
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