Don't eat meat from supermarkets

In case you wake up a muslim convert..... or stupid


Of all the comments I read this would have to be the stupid of the week.


A WA Liberal MP has claimed Australians are unknowingly being converted to Islam by eating Halal meat.

In a speech to Parliament yesterday, backbencher Luke Simpkins said most Australians did not know that most of the meat they ate came from animals killed in accordance with Muslim law.

“By having Australians unwittingly eating Halal food we are all one step down the path towards the conversion, and that is a step we should only make with full knowledge and one that should not be imposed upon us without us knowing,” Mr Simpkins told Parliament.

“What is happening is wrong. Too often the minorities in this country are looked after without regard to the majority.”

Mr Simpkins said he had carried out an unofficial survey in his northern-suburbs electorate of Cowan and had discovered that most meat at major chains such as Coles or Woolworths had been killed under Halal conditions, but had not been labelled as such.

He tabled a petition demanding that all Halal meat be clearly identified, complaining people could not buy meat for their “Aussie barbecue” without the influence of the “minority religion”.



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Don't eat meat from supermarkets



really, I have no words....



Message 2 of 80
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Don't eat meat from supermarkets

Amazing, he must be related to TRBAG!

Message 3 of 80
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Don't eat meat from supermarkets

Community Member

“What is happening is wrong. Too often the minorities in this country are looked after without regard to the majority.”


he is 100% correct with that statement.

Message 4 of 80
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Don't eat meat from supermarkets


Better not eat chinese take away or you might become Buddhist?


Actually, I used to buy my meat from halal butcher because the price was great and the quality fantastic. Now we get our meat in bulk directly from Farmer Dan from Gippsland.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 5 of 80
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Don't eat meat from supermarkets

I had one bloke tell me that if I buy Kraft cheese I am supporting terrorism. Because it has the halal symbol on the packet. Some people are so stupid.

Message 6 of 80
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Don't eat meat from supermarkets

it may be slaughtered halal.

but it loses it's halal status once it goes into the butchers fridge next to the pork

Message 7 of 80
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Don't eat meat from supermarkets

I think I have a right to eat food that has not been blessed by anyone.... 


I do not agree with a lot of the Muslim ideals and prefer to not be part of their practices.... 


I don't care if anyone else chooses to partake in any religious ceremony but what right do they have to put that onto anyone else.. 


How would some of the people here feel if they had to eat food blessed by George Pell??? 


And Mr Grizz, you are 100% correct... even being sold in the same store is apparently wrong. I went to buy a burger and was told that they can't give me bacon as they are Muslim and can't have it in their shop or handle it. 


Message 8 of 80
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Don't eat meat from supermarkets

Community Member

“What is happening is wrong. Too often the minorities in this country are looked after without regard to the majority.”


he is 100% correct with that statement.







I don't agree with halal slaughter method and my main objection is that I do not have a choice in the meat I purchase.


any other products containing the halal approved label do not concern me, its  just to let Muslims know that it is OK for them to consume.



How would some of the people here feel if they had to eat food blessed by George Pell???





Good question.






Message 9 of 80
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Don't eat meat from supermarkets

* Shakes head in disbelief *


Mr Simpkins stood in Parliament and stated this. Seriously?



How would some of the people here feel if they had to eat food blessed by George Pell???


OMG seriously ?

Message 10 of 80
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