Earth-cousin discovered 500 light years away

Earth-cousin discovered 500 light years away

Well it's nice to know after we've destroyed this one,we don't have so far to go,relatively speaking,to start destroying another one.
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Earth-cousin discovered 500 light years away

perhaps they are more advanced than us and planning on invading us. Maybe our customs and legal framework aren't ones which they are familiar with and thus fit their paridigm of terra nullius.


Maybe they have already learned how to harmonize their lives with their surroundings or learned effective ways of maintaining the balance that they dirsupt through their existence and we can learn something to preserve our own planet


Maybe they have a better system of governance and can show us how to best serve society in a harmonious manner


Or maybe they just want to eat us.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
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Earth-cousin discovered 500 light years away

Well that's good we can keep in touch with our Earth cousins via the internet.

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Earth-cousin discovered 500 light years away

O wonder if they have the NBN?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
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