A man who allegedly duped dozens of migrants into paying for non-existent working visas has been arrested by the Australian Federal Police.


Abel Prasad of SVC Legal Australia allegedly ripped off unsuspecting migrants, mostly international students, by promising jobs with one of his companies and then supplying bogus visas.


Most of Prasad's companies exist only in name and there are no jobs.


Police sources have told the ABC that both the NSW and Queensland Police as well as the Immigration Department are "very interested" in talking to Mr Prasad.


"We have been investigating him for some time," a police source said.


Prasad has been extradited to South Australia where he will face 23 charges relating to GST fraud. These charges are not related to the alleged visa scams. Prasad, who was living in Brisbane, denied any wrongdoing..........


 In a statement, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said his department had been working on the case with the Australian Federal Police, as well as police in NSW, South Australia and Queensland.


"Unfortunately there have been instances of people pretending to be migration agents and providing false or misleading information to take advantage of a person's desire to travel to Australia," he said.


"This calendar year, my department has sanctioned eight migration agents resulting in either a caution, suspension, cancellation or a barring decision on their registration.......................


Abel Prasad is quite frankly a con man said Liana Allan from the Migrants Alliance




I googled SVC Legal Australia.  Interesting to read what he was offering students. Along with an article about Migrants Alliance 

asking for more people to come forward regarding his scamming tactics.  This was back in February this year.


Despicable person.






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Should be stripped of his Aus citizenship or residency visa and deported immediately.

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'No no no no — that was my business partner, and our lawyers can help you out with any of that information," he said'.


And having the nerve to deny it. But, as Mandy Rice-Davies once famously said, "Well he would say that, wouldn't he" ?


An Oxygen thief of the highest calibre. Here's hoping they nail him to the cross - figuratively speaking of course.

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Community Member

Apalling and despicable. Deport him immediately.

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