Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family


Authorities in Russia's Far East are handing out hectares of land free of charge in a bid to attract people to the vast region, which offers its sparse population a wealth of resources and a harsh climate.

The offer is available to all Russian citizens, the only requirement is that people put the land to use.


The land can be used “for any purpose,” including farming or building a home, just as long as the land is being used at all, the Far Eastern Development Ministry said on the website it runs for the project, NaDalniyVostok, or “To the Far East.” 


Those interested in the offer can hold on to their land plots free of rent, tax or any other payments for five years and will then receive ownership titles to the plots, also free of charge, if they can prove the land has been used during that period, the ministry said. 

“Unused land plots will be confiscated,” it added. 


Wow, just wow...

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Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family

Similar has happened here in Oz.

Plots of land have been sold here for $1 trying to revitalize diminishing communities.

Usually quite remote areas though.

image host
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Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family

People used to be exiled to Siberia

Now they have to pay $12 an acre 

Message 3 of 9
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Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

Similar has happened here in Oz.

Plots of land have been sold here for $1 trying to revitalize diminishing communities.

Usually quite remote areas though.

Yeah well I think thats what Russia is doing, trying to populate uninhabited areas. Did it work here in Oz Kopes, do you know?


I think I'd move to Siberia if it meant being able to start up a farm for nothing though.  



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Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family

from here :



Siberian agriculture is severely restricted by the short growing season of most of the region.


However, in the southwest where soils are exceedingly fertile black earths and the climate is a little more moderate, there is extensive cropping of wheat, barley, rye and potatoes, along with the grazing of large numbers of sheepand cattle.


Elsewhere food production, owing to the poor fertility of the podzolic soils and the extremely short growing seasons, is restricted to the herding of reindeer in the tundra—which has been practiced by natives for over 10,000 years.


Siberia has the world's largest forests. Timber remains an important source of revenue, even though many forests in the east have been logged much more rapidly than they are able to recover.


The Sea of Okhotsk is one of the two or three richest fisheries in the world owing to its cold currents and very large tidal ranges, and thus Siberia produces over 10% of the world's annual fish catch, although fishing has declined somewhat since the collapse of the USSR.[44]




No free flights or transiberian railroad trip to view your proposed property.!!!!


It could be an old mining site even.


To say a challenging lifestyle, would be an understatement.  And in terms of agriculture, 12 hectares is not much


On this occasion, I think I will pass the offer;  but thanks anyway. >>>>>Brrrrrrr.



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Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family

Thanks Deb 🙂 Theres always a catch ey... But at the same time free land is free land, even if it was on an old mining site, it would be worth taking that chance I reckon, whats the worst that can happen? If you havent utilized the land it gets confiscated, it hasn't cost you anything so I think it's still a good idea...

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Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family

If I did venture, I'd like to take Peter Andrews with me.



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Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family

@lloydslights wrote:

If I did venture, I'd like to take Peter Andrews with me.






Or at least read his books before hand lol 


Sounds like an amazing man though...


Message 8 of 9
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Russia Is Giving Away Free Farmland - Up to 12 Acres per Family

Similar has happened here in Oz. Plots of land have been sold here for $1 trying to revitalize diminishing communities. Usually quite remote areas though


Population Explosion in Australia


I can see just how remote some areas are, where there are no red dots. wow

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