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Would you be frightened of this intruder?

Police stage muddy good arrest in Brisbane A feisty mud crab is facing a likely death sentence after sparking a major police operation in Brisbane.

Rapper Exposed as a Fake "Identity Thief"

Mark Dice is a media analyst, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, . . . . . . . . Priceless- https://www.yout...

Meteor shower will be visible tonight in Australia...

We have a very overcast day in Brisbane, our viewing time is 9pm. I doubt it will clear up in time, but we'll see... This has all the times around the country and details about the expected display.geminids asteroidal meteor shower expected to peak o...

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Another Day In Paradise

Phil Collins. I love this tune, but it makes me think of something that happened to me 12 or so years ago. Coming out of work one evening (about 8pm as I recall) in George Street, Sydney. It was a very cold night and I was appropriately rugged up. At...

The Revolution Will Not Be Pasteurized

Raw milk freedom riders- Why not to pasturize- In 1987 the FDA banned interstate shipping of raw milk and today it's retail sale is only legal in dozen or so stat...

Chat thread for Favorites Photo

Getting it started early so we don't have too much chat though out the photo thread.Plus I stuffed up my dates. I took my photo only 6 years ago, not 12 like I put in the spoiler... oops! Thanks lurker for giving me the idea of putting text in a spoi...

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Well Well Well, one rule for some, different for others. I wonder, is it different if your dad is a policeman?Ms Bishop has done a good job here. I won...

Joz or Richo Help Please.

We have a 4 yr old i30 Hyundai one of the remote control key cases has cracked and fallen apart mine looks like it's about to suffer the same fate. We bought 2 cases on ebay replaced the gutz into one of the new cases and it won't kick the motor over...

Stray Dog Befriends Trekkers

Great happy story for Sunday and has a happy ending Stray Dog Befriends Trekkers and Follows Them for 430 Miles When a group of Swedish hikers fed a stray dog a treat, little did they know that he would become their new best friend as they trekked 43...

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Gifts in Advance - How many do this................

Son needed motorbike jacket - a good one - can I get it for him for Xmas and no gift needed then please mum ? No worries, but now come Xmas morning I will feel oh so bad not giving him something to open, and yes I have done this in the past and yes I...

Isis releases 'abhorrent' sex slaves pamphlet

ISIS's 'Slavery for Dummies': Jihadists compile chilling checklist Isis releases 'abhorrent' sex slaves pamphlet with 27 tips for militants on taking, punishing and raping female captives The Research and Fatwa Department of the Islamic State (ISIS) ...

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People Sign Petition to Ban "?"

Hallarious, What can you get people to sign? ban Water?- ban Black pack packs?- ban rights- ban 2ed amendment- https:/...

Resolved! 4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is OLD

The idea of this competition is to select a Youtube video (or from any site) that associates with the chosen theme in the title or in the lyrics - as long as the song is in context with the chosen theme. The title of the song/artist to be posted, and...