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I'm so angry at the injustice

My friend’s daughter, 22yrs old, has epilepsy. She is on medication and under specialists but sometimes she still has seizures. She is currently on Newstart and looking for work but not having much luck because of the seizure issue. Two weeks ago she...

Congratulations Boris1gary

You are the winner of the Luxury photo challenge (cheques in the mail )You get to pick this weeks theme/topic/prompt idea The top 3 are my very favouritest thing in life. Indoor plumbing, sleeping and keeping my FA fat 12 votes Boris 11 Flashie Lind

OK Tony what are you going to do now.

ASSISTANT Health Minister Fiona Nash has been forced to back-pedal after declaring her chief of staff had “no connection” to a lobbying firm which works on behalf of the junk food industry, revealing instead that her staffer continues to hold shares ...

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When do you become a "Senior"?

Is it when you turn 56? and don't you get some sort of concessions then? What are they? Is it means tested? Is it kind of like the half way mark to getting a pension? Why the two distinctions?


Is the presence of the US and subsequently Australia in Afghanistan, by invitation or force?

How to peel a hazelnut

I like hazelnuts, but when used in cooking or desserts, the skins can be very bitter, but they can be tricky little things to peel, eh? A simple method is to heat the nuts in the oven, then rub them inbetween layers of a tea towel. It's pretty effect...

To have or not to have

A couple with 7 children are having a baby with 2 faces in July, both parents on welfare have decided whatever will be will be. The baby girl has one body, 2 arms, 2 legs, one heart and the only difference is that the baby will have 2 faces with 4 ey...

Labor's Primary Vote Down: Newspoll

The latest Newspoll shows Labor's primary vote has fallen and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's voter satisfaction rating has slumped since December. The poll, conducted on the weekend, shows primary vote support for the Coalition at 41 per cent compa...

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