cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

I didn't get my daughter done cause I felt there wasnt enough research and I wasn't convinced that it was safe and really very necessary.

Message 2 of 113
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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

There is little scientific proof that links Gardasil with deaths.


Here is an easy to read article on how easy it is for the truth to be distorted and then make it's way into mainstream media.





Message 3 of 113
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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

I've had that cancer, and anything that prevents it is worth while IMO

Message 4 of 113
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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

wise move crystal....I know of only one who has had it.


martini.....that is not a current report being some 15 months old. some interesting concerns here too if you research

Message 5 of 113
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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

I've had that cancer, and anything that prevents it is worth while IMO

should a vaccine for breast cancer become available I wouldn't have it. no one knows how this will affect future generations yet. will be decades before we know.

Message 6 of 113
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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

I have researched.


That article wasn't a research paper. It was a plainly written article on how easy it is to create an issue out of nothing. A bit like our other recent argument hey? Unless those reported non cases have shot up in the last 15 months then the sentiments are the same.


Anyone can get a reaction to anything. It doesn't make the drug dangerous. Particularly if the slight risk of reaction of an incredibly small minority is compared to the almighty benefits to millions. This vaccine is in this category.



Message 7 of 113
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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

arguement?.....your words not mine. debate / discussion 

Message 8 of 113
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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

In Japan, cervical cancer  among those aged 20 to 39 and is estimated to strike nearly 9,000 women each year.  There were 245.1 reports of side effects per million vaccinations for Cervarix, and 155.7 reports per million for Gardasi.  Most of these side effect would not be particularly severe, or lasting.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 9 of 113
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cervical cancer vaccine triggers health concern

So what research can you provide that shows that this vaccine can be directly linked to deaths?


I've just done a quick look at reports from the various countries and they point to same conclusion: Deaths are reported and included in statistics for deaths after being given the vaccine. But when analysed none of the deaths have matched each other. 


Ie. An 18 year old gets her jab. 2 weeks later she dies. The death is reported. The medical examiner notes that the girl was given the vaccination 2 weeks earlier. Authorities are notified and it becomes part of their statistics. Parents blame pharmaceutical company. She was a diabetic and an autopsy shows she died of causes related to her diabetes. No other reported death from the vaccination was a diabetic so they have no way of gathering evidence to disprove that somehow the vaccination was linked to the exasperation of her diabetes. Hence she remains as a statistic until another young diabetic dies 2 weeks after their jab. 5 years later, that other death hasn't happened but her death remains on the statistical list with a question mark.


Meanwhile parents go on a campaign saying their daughter died after being given the vaccine. Its picked up by papers and the anti vaccine sites and becomes part of the 'legend'.


Maybe the vaccine is a problem. Who knows. But from what I can see, the scare campaign is the one that is creating a problem so far.

Message 10 of 113
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