scam callers back from christmas break

had 4 calls today!

all claiming to be from the national bank of australia.

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scam callers back from christmas break

I have had an unusal number of scam emails in the past few days from 'banks' too


I wonder if they are from the same people/ring/group/whatever?


Mostly from the NAB too and a couple from Witch which bank 

Message 2 of 33
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scam callers back from christmas break

Been watching some telemarketers on youtube, Hilarious.



image host
Message 3 of 33
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scam callers back from christmas break

I had 2 from the "Windows Technical Department" in 10 minutes today.

They sounded like sisters.

Message 4 of 33
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scam callers back from christmas break

I had one 3 days ago claiming that they were from NBN Australia and they'd been trying to contact me, and that my internet would be disconnected within 24 hours if I didn't ring them back as the NBN is now available in my area. All a load of crock!!
Message 5 of 33
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scam callers back from christmas break

@brerrabbit585 wrote:
I had one 3 days ago claiming that they were from NBN Australia and they'd been trying to contact me, and that my internet would be disconnected within 24 hours if I didn't ring them back as the NBN is now available in my area. All a load of crock!!

I get this one all the time. Also "Telstra",  "my recent car accident",  one where the police were coming to arrest me and lock me up if I didn't comply with their request. I said to one "don't you scammers ever give up?" and he replied "NO, we are invincible" What makes me angry is that if the fools out there would stop falling for these scams, then the rest of us wouldn't have to be contantly annoyed by them. I went along with a female with Asian accent regarding the computer, but didn't do anything she said, just told her I did, then I said to her "what is this?? I am getting a big red message across my screen, which says WARNING This is a scam. Well suddenly she was gone replaced by a male with panic in his voice, with all sorts of questions. Sometimes I tell them I only have a Commodore 64, or I don't own a computer. Next time I am going to tell them I don't have a phone. Or maybe do what Homer Simpson does, tell them I am going to get my credit card and just leave the phone off the hook.

Message 6 of 33
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scam callers back from christmas break

@brerrabbit585 wrote:
I had one 3 days ago claiming that they were from NBN Australia and they'd been trying to contact me, and that my internet would be disconnected within 24 hours if I didn't ring them back as the NBN is now available in my area. All a load of crock!!

I have been getting that one regularly since about November.....I almost fell for it because there had been some action on the box outside the house.   As I really don't want the NBN any sooner than absolutely necessary I decided to stick my head in the sand and ignore it.

When the calls continued I decided that they were unlikely to be legit or they would just write to me as they did when they were starting the rollout in the area.

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scam callers back from christmas break

if you are in an area that has become 'NBN ready' and you have not taken it up, you will eventually be contacted to advise you if you require a landline phone line you must get a connection via a 3rd party ie telstra or the like.


even though i have the NBN i still got calls about them switching off the old system.


i'm sure there are those who have absolutly no knowledge of the NBN and how you need to get a contract thing to get your phone once the old system is cut off. if all you want is a working land line phone you still have to actually set something up with a company, its not just an automatis switch over.


you most likey know this but as i said, i would bet there are plenty who dont.

Message 8 of 33
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scam callers back from christmas break

Scam callers hate high pitched whistles and strange noises ... I've found they hang up before I do ....  Smiley TongueWoman LOL


Sometimes, just for fun though, I will start a 'conversation' about astronomy, music, quilting or about what I think the weather is like in their hemisphere or whatever and it completely bamboozles them and suddenly they are gone ... Smiley Very Happy

Message 9 of 33
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scam callers back from christmas break

I think I should play a recording of Chicken On A Raft to the next one

Message 10 of 33
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