not sure what to do now

Hi peeps


haven't sold anything for a while so I'm a bit out of the loop. My husband bought me a new ipad and so I decided to sell my old one, it was quite ld with a cracked screen, and sold priced accordingly. The buyer receives it, and says the screen is cracked much more than she thought - I described it well but pics are hard of a screen! So, that's ok, I say post it back for a full refund, or keep it and have a $30 discount, whatever suits you.


Now 10 days later she decides to send it back BUT she's used it, and now says part of the screen doesn't work, which may be due to the tempered glass thingy she has put over the top to try and minimise the cracked look. Is this thing removable? I don't know what to do, in my mind if she was going to send it back she shouldn't have used it (given she wrote she wasn't happy with it straight away) and shouldn't have tried to "improve" it.


I dowanna have a fight! Waaa. It's Christmas, peace on earth, goodwill and all that stuff, but not sure how to respond. I don't also want to give her back her money if I now virtually have to sell it for $50 because she has not actually improved it, but mucked it up further. Help please.

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