Can Seller cancel a sale, after having received a successful bid?

Woman Frustrated One of my (expensive) items was sold to a buyer with NO feedback, and who placed the first bid on the day he first registered with Ebay. He was initially outbid, then kept bidding to be winning bidder.

Item was not paid, so I sent a polite reminder - he came back asking 'pay for what?'. I explained that he was the successful bidder of my item, and that he needed to pay for the item. He replied 'have bought it' (just those exact 3 words). I them replied that I understood that, that he now needed to pay for it. Have heard nothing.

I want to cancel this sale as I just don't trust it. Item could be damaged in transit, and there are too many red flags with this. Also, the item is heavy, and every other bidder asked for freight quote prior to bidding - this winning bidder didn't. I don't want to send this item out, only to have the buyer say it was damaged, or didn't arrive. With no feedback history, I have nothing to go on, and am not prepared to loose this expensive and possibly fragile item.

Can I cancel the sale?

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Can Seller cancel a sale, after having received a successful bid?

I can't think of any way you could cancel this without getting a defect.


I would send the invoice, hopefully he won't pay, and then you can open an UID.


Maybe someone else will have a better idea.

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Can Seller cancel a sale, after having received a successful bid?

I'd definitely let it run to an Unpaid Item Dispute.  Open it ASAP, close it ASAP.


The cancellation options are so limited and (I think) the Buyer has to accept the cancellation anyway, in which case you'll be in a pickle given the info you've provided about your comms with the Buyer so far.


Since they seem to be largely non-responsive, you'll probably find the UPI will close out without a hitch, strike for them, job done for you. 

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