I don't want to accept e-cheques. Do I have that option?

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I don't want to accept e-cheques. Do I have that option?

Honored Contributor

No, you do not have that option.   You have to accept all forms of funding on paypal.

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I don't want to accept e-cheques. Do I have that option?

Not too sure why you would want to block them.


They just delay postage for 5-6 days while they clear. But they do result in a sale.


We have only ever had one fail to clear, but so long as you withold postage until they clear (as is the PayPal advice) then no worries.

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I don't want to accept e-cheques. Do I have that option?



Sellers who state in their listing that they accept certain payment methods must not selectively offer those payment methods to buyers or discourage buyers from using those payment methods.

This means that sellers must always accept payment from buyers through the payment methods they have selected in their Payment Details section of their listing, including PayPal, and must not act in any way to discourage buyers from paying by these methods. For example, you may not insist that a buyer pay a surcharge if paying through a certain payment method.

Sellers aren't allowed to make statements like:

  • "Contact us for payment information."
  • "Contact us for other payment methods."
  • "Contact us for your preferred payment method."
  • "I accept PayPal but do not accept credit card payments through PayPal."
  • "I only accept PayPal if the bid amount is greater than $15."
  • "I don't accept electronic cheques or e-cheques through PayPal."

There's only one exception: Sellers who offer payment on pickup may include the following statement in their listings: "Contact me for payment methods for paying on pickup."

Message 4 of 5
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I don't want to accept e-cheques. Do I have that option?

Can't imagine why you would prefer to get an instant payment probably funded with a card so the buyer can do a chargeback through their bank rather than wait a few days for an echeque to clear knowing once you have it it is safe from a chargeback.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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