Listing an item for the States

Can anyone guide me -

I have a couple of products that are located in the USA and I want to sell them exclusively to buyers in the USA only.

Do I just list them in this store, but mark the shipping as USA so that ONLY buyers in the USA will see the product?

Or will other buyers also see the product but be unable to purchase it.

Just wondering if product visibility is based on shipping location settings.

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Listing an item for the States

You can list them on this account and on the USA site.

Log onto not

Select sell and list from there selecting no international postage.


Visibility is  mostly dependant on which site it is listed on around the globe.

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Listing an item for the States

@jellybirddesigns wrote:


Just wondering if product visibility is based on shipping location settings.

It is.


To sell an item to the US only, you have to list on and provide 'domestic' shipping only (since domestic shipping on the US site is to the US). If you do not have any Australian shipping options on that item, then it will not appear in search results to Aussie buyers, nor will it even show in your store when they visit. 

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Listing an item for the States

Thanks everyone for the help!

I think I'll probably use an old Ebay account to list these particular items so they don't mess up my handmade brand.

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