Photos not uploading - block of colour instead

See screenshot at


I upload my photos and ebay transforms the photos into blobs of solid colour for some reason.


The photos are .jpeg, less than 1MB each, less than 1600 x 1600 and greater than 500 x 500 pixels. As you can see they upload fine to imgur.


Any suggestions?

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Photos not uploading - block of colour instead

Did you sort this one out? Seems like an encrypted image, like there is something going wrong with the permissions or something

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Photos not uploading - block of colour instead

I upload from my computer.


Works fine.


Admittedly I only list about 4 items a day, every day.


Versus you with 2 extant listings. Hardly a stretch to upload a pic from your device occasionally  rather than asking somebody who posted NINE months ago.

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