Sellers Beware

Community Member

I recently sold a small transistor radio to a buyer in the US and specifically offered insurance as an option in my Invoice,  with a warning that I could not be held responsible for loss or damage if not chosen; the buyer chose not to pay the insurance amount.   I shipped the item in good faith by Australia Post Airmail and some weeks later received a demand from the buyer through the eBay Resolution Centre for a complete refund as the radio had not been received.  I submitted a statement that because the buyer had not chosen to pay for insurance and hence tracking I should not have been liable to pay a refund.   eBay upheld the buyer's claim, isuued a refund, and then demanded my credit card details to reimburse their amount paid, suspending my account pending receipt of same.  This action left me with a very poor opinion of eBay in their supporting this buyer for a refund;  the buyer could simply have received the radio, did not like it and lodged a claim for a total refund, leaving me totally out of pocket for the cost  of the radio, plus the full refund amount.  It would appear that because I could not provide shipping tracking information, by virtue of the buyer not deciding to pay the offered insurance, eBay found in favour of the buyer!  


This transaction has left me very wary with overseas shipping now, so seller listing item Internationally please take heed. 

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Sellers Beware

NEVER give them a choice just send the invoice with postage that will protect you as the seller.

paypal is their protection so they will not pay any more to protect the seller.


Message 2 of 8
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Sellers Beware

I agree with sparklz, don't give them the option.

If they don't like it, they don't have to buy.

Sounds like your customer wanted a free radio.

Message 3 of 8
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Sellers Beware

you have obviously not read the Terms and Conditions of ebay/ paypal regarding how to ship to cover youself with ebay or paypal Seller Protection.

protection is offered to all sellers, you just have to follow the rules to use it yourself.

you cannot make up your own rules (like if you dont request insured post I'm not responsible) and expect ebay / paypal to assist you, you have to do it by their rules not yours.

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~~ ~~ ~~ Those who do right, have nothing to fear.
Message 4 of 8
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Sellers Beware

Beware of what? Not reading the terms of Paypal and ebay buyer and seller protection so that you can either send by a method that will give you protection or assume the risk of havng to refund if you don't!


Did you really think that putting in your listing that you would not be responsible for lost or damaged items would supercede the policies you agreed to when you joined ebay & Paypal?

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 5 of 8
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Sellers Beware

You haven't learnt much on ebay have you Adrian ?  Man LOL

Paypal can overide a seller and issue a refund so don't waste your time stating that you can't be held responsible for anything.

Message 6 of 8
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Sellers Beware

@ach01 wrote:

   eBay upheld the buyer's claim, isuued a refund, and then demanded my credit card details to reimburse their amount paid, suspending my account pending receipt of same.  . 

From the OP. If ebay demanded your credit card details post dispute then it is obvious that you had not agreed to the international selling agreement prior to the sale.


Because at the time you agree to that agreement you are also required to redcord a reimbursent method.


(ie ebay would not need to demand your details if you had already agreed because they would have already them)


OP if you have proof of delivery to carrier


then I would  lodge a dispute with the FOS (financial ombusman service) stating that EBAY through paypal has wrongly taken your money.


If you do not have proof of delivery to carrier then  there is not much you can do


You need to quote the Sale of goods act and the deemed delivery to the carrier clause and the international selling agreement requirement to provide a reimbursement method upon signing up.


If ebay requested the money through paypal then  lodge the complaint against your financial services provider not ebay...let paypal fight it out with ebay and let the FOS with your information have it out with paypal.


The original ebay demand ( if you had not signed the international sellers agreement prior) is tantamount to coercion..


 You need to decide yourself whether the moral stand is worth it or not howver I beleive there are avenues for redress

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 7 of 8
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Sellers Beware




"Sellers must have a reimbursement method on file with eBay and agree to allow us to charge the method they designate for amounts due to buyers. Sellers may change this reimbursement method by contacting eBay and searching for "How to change your reimbursement method."




The above is quoted from the buyer protection policy


... So how could the OP have agreed to the policy when no reimbursement method was on file as proven by ebays request for one after adjudicating  the dispute?????


Paypal and ebay "the obfuscation experts"


The OPs final value fees paid as per ebay au schedule prove on what site the item was sold



atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 8 of 8
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