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A winning bidder after placing ten bids on an item has decided to cancel I have agrred to this the item was not paid for After agreeing to cancel I have been informed by ebay to wait ten days for this buyer to confirm cancellation which will ensure t...
Hi I brought a air pressure cleaner in November which was to be delivered by 4th December I have set up a case for non delivery but ebay is telling me to talk to the seller that is not possible as they have gone into liquidation and meanwhile I have ...
Item was damaged in post I have agreed to refund but how do I get my fees back g=from ebay Paypal refund fee straight how does ebay do their fees
Buyer has asked for refund on postage when buying two items which has already been processed by Paypal I refunded postage cost on one item as I will send them combined but how do I get ebay to credit my postage fee so far this has happen a few times ...