Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTunes

Hi Team,


I just had a call from someone representing themselves as eBay & telling me that I had been scammed by someone did a purchase for $199 Itunes card. 

They asked me to download Teamviewer Quicksupport & let them access my information. I refused because I knew the consequences would be giving them access to the information on my phone. I asked them toi email me & they refused. They hung up. I have advised my bank. I felt it was important that you knew that people were being fraudlent. 

Please give me a call if you need further explaination. 


Kind Regards


Neil Hartley 


Message 1 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun

You are posting your information on a public forum which anyone in the world with internet can read


eBay staff however do NOT read this forum


You may well get more scam calls now you have given out your phone number for anyone to see


I will ask a mod to remove it, but this can often take several hours 

Message 2 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun

eBay don't read here.


Putting your phone number on a public forum is not a good idea either for scammers to use.

I shall report it for it's removal.

image host
Message 3 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun

We are not eBay here, just buyers and sellers like yourself.

Message 4 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun



Hi, Neil.          Steam Engine Welcome to the boards.


You did absolutely the right thing in refusing to download anything based on a purported phone call from eBay. If more people were sceptical about this sort of scam, there'd be fewer tears and heartbreaking stories of people losing their life savings.


Note: you're not contacting eBay by posting on these boards. They are public forums on which any eBay member can post, and the responders are, like you, fellow eBay members who give voluntary helpful advice and information. (The standard of help is usually well above the type of cut-and-paste help provided by eBay customer service.)


Because these are public boards, anyone at all can read what you post here. That's why the other posts have pointed out that it's a bad idea to post any of your private information here, such as your phone number, and even perhaps your full name. Scammers' bots automatically search the internet for personal information of this sort, and it goes into huge databases for sale on the dark web, passed on to criminal organisations or individuals with nefarious intentions or anyone who wants to misuse that information.


Anyway - good on you for not falling for the scam... and of course we should all exercise due care with cold callers pretending to be an organisation or authority or business with the idea of accessing your devices.


If you want to pass on the information to eBay, you can certainly do so. Take a look through eBay's Recognising phishing phone calls and emails page for full details.


Report a phishing phone call or email 


If you receive a suspicious phone call or email, you should report it to us immediately. Here's how:


Suspicious phone call

  1. Tell the caller that you'll call back through official eBay contact channels. If you missed the call, do not call the number back.
  2. Email us at spoof@ebay.com.au with details of what the caller asked for, and the phone number they called from.❞
Message 5 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun

Hi Team, thank you for responding, the reason I reported it was because I didn’t anyone else to get scammed. I felt it was very important. The only place I have my phone number is when I pay for something. It isn’t displayed anywhere else that I know of, if you can see it please let me know. Cheers Neil
Message 6 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun

Yes, but you put your name AND your phone number on this board. Which is public. ie anybody with an internet connection in the world can read it. So that's 2/3 of the information they need to hack your identity, and 3/3 of what they need to cause you serious inconvenience.

Message 7 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun

I received a call from them asking my bank details but I refused it at the end and call me asked straight away that she is from eBay and someone hacked my account I asked them five times who are you they said from eBay if someone receive call like that don’t tell yo them because they are enabl yo prove themselves that they they r from eBay tnxxxc
Message 8 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun

I just had the same call. Apparently someone in China had accessed my ebay account and bought gift cards. They wanted to install quick support to send a code. I told them i would call back when i looked into it but it felt like a scam to me. 

Message 9 of 13
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Re: Hi I just had a call from eBay, advising me that I had been scammed by someone purchased an iTun

If you look around the boards today (or any other for that matter) There are dozens of threads regarding scams at present.  Always just hang up once you realise it saying nothing.  They will give up eventually.  There are also scams coming to mobile nos in the shape of a text with a link for you to click on.  Always promising siomething,. 


Check numbers before you answer the phone if possible.  An unknown number means dont answer...........

Message 10 of 13
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