Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?


Can a seller list PayPal as a payment method then have extra details listed under payment details:

"Pick up only preferred...extra cost on price for PayPal Fees"

If I win this item and use PayPal to pay (extra buyer protection) how will the seller reclaim extra fees?

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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

Honored Contributor

The seller cannot charge you extra for paying by paypal, as much as they would probably like to.

The question is whether you will ever get the item if you don't pay them

The seller may well take the chance on what feedback you will leave and just cancel the transaction.

Message 2 of 16
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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

Thank you!

I thought it seemed an unusual arrangement. Are you implying that they need not honour the sale if I use PayPal... Eg if proceedings went as follows:

Auction won. PayPal payment sent. Contact Seller to arrange pick up...

They could cancel the sale based on the fact they wanted cash?
Message 3 of 16
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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

They should not cancel the transaction but the fact is that no-one can force the seller to sell to you, no matter what payment method you use.


If you are going to pick up the item it is really better for both of you if you pay cash when you pick up the item.  If it is not as described or you don't like it then you can just walk away.


If you have paid by paypal you then have to hope that you can get your money back by opening a dispute....and then wait and hope that the dispute goes in your favour.

Message 4 of 16
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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

Great thanks for the reply.

People are such weirdos in western Sydney - I sort of don't like the idea of turning up with cash on me, prefer electronic payment for the added security... But I take your point.

Message 5 of 16
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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

I know what you are saying but online purchases, cash is the most secure.

You could pay with PayPal and turn up to the address with no one ever being home.

Could even be a false address by a scammer.


Cash is king. Smiley Wink

image host
Message 6 of 16
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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

If you have a smartphone you could go to pick up and if all is as it should be make the payment using your phone on the spot or arrange to use the seller's computer to make the payment.


The seller is probably quoting the extra fee to try and discourage anyone for using Paypal to make the payment. It is not a god idea to pre pay on a pick up item from either the buyer or seller's point of view. Although Paypal no offer some protection with pick up it is not a sure fired thing that you will be able to get your money back if there is something wrong with the item.


I would never use Paypal for a pick up item and as a seller I would prefer for the buyer's sake that they paid cash after they had inspected the goods.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 7 of 16
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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

Okay!! Great suggestions and advice!
Message 8 of 16
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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

taking all advice given, maybe this seller is one to avoid.


if hes saying things in his listing that raise the hair on the back of the neck, might be a sign of a problem to deal with.

Message 9 of 16
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Re: Extra cost with PayPal as a payment method?

Never ever use PayPal for pick up items.

Sellers must also learn to never ever accept PayPal for pick up items.

All a buyer has to do is claim item not received and the buyer will ALWAYS get a full refund with no questions asked because the seller cannot prove the item was picked up/sent.

Message 10 of 16
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