Global Shipping changing price after best offer purchase

Hey anyone know if there's a flaw in the system with this? I did find one of post about it from 2016. I offered a price on a PC workstation in the states and the postage was 74usd. That was within my budget together with the offier I had in mind. So I put in my offer and it was accepted. Then where I went to pay the global shipping had change to 122 usd and the listing has change to 124 usd... Even stranger the same seller has indentical workstation other than more hard drives (so heavier) and I can add that to my cart on buy now ready to pay and the shipping is still 79usd the same as it's listed at. Something weird is going on with the offer system and the postage changing. I contacted the seller and he said he didn't change anything and that it's all automatic on ebays side. But an extra 50usd from no where is a deal killer.

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Re: Global Shipping changing price after best offer purchase

Yes, I have noticed that also. I put it down to exchange rate changes and my real shipping address being regional WA in check out.


I try to work in AUD so I might have missed something. I only buy off shore if I can not get here or is less than half price here so extra charges and changes do not bother me much.

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Re: Global Shipping changing price after best offer purchase

I had the theory it changed because I was in a regional area, but I changed my address to inner Melbourne and it didn't change back to the lesser amount. It has me beat.. The seller says they have no clue either. At this point I just don't need it in my life anymore. I've decided it's better to just wait for one to show up locally. I might be waiting a couple of years for them to gt down to US prices though.

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