on โ19-07-2014 03:13 PM
I will declare from the outset that I am a buyer and seller on 3 different eBay IDs.
I thought I would start a thread where members, both buyers and sellers, can put advice and helpful hints for buyers in one place. I am not looking for this to be a "whinge-fest" from sellers to complain about buyers, but a place for REAL advice to help buyers on eBay have a more rewarding and successful experience. Happy buyers are frequent buyers, so let's keep it upbeat.
Try to keep each post short, with each post suggesting one tip or piece of advice. Post as many times as you like, and give kudos to posts to help buyers assess the advice being given. If you post a screen grab to help show your advice/hint it will help buyers.
I'll kick it off with a couple of posts.
Solved! Go to Solution.
on โ28-07-2014 03:55 PM
Hi kau5622,
don't believe everything you see and are told by these so called "authenticators"!
We live next door (almost) to a seller who was on Ebay for years - and during that time she's had 4 claims by varous customers that the items were fake. (as deemed by the above authenticating forum). On all 4 occassions she has proven them wrong.
But this is even better:
I told her we can test this out once and for all - see how anyone can accertain weather the item is fake or not just by looking at the Ebay's listing pics.
I gave her one of my Burberry coats to list, also gave her the receipt from Sydney store, even the name of the consultant who sold it to me.
And - sure enough, the item was removed by Ebay 2-3 days later, claiming it was fake " and we didn't dind't want to do it but Burberry told us to remove it. And here is the link - get in touch with them".
Well, she did, supplied all the addittional info to them - but the answer she got the next day was even more amazing: "It wasn't us who requested any such removal".
So go figure - who would even know who says what, all I know is that after 4 goes in getting something wrong every time I would never relly on the above mentioned forum.
And with saying that - I have personally never seen a very otherwise valluable designer item being sold for few hundred dollars or less, especially if it's any reasonable condition, as no seller is that benevolent - to pay for something say $2000 and go and sell it for $500 after few months use.
โ28-07-2014 09:47 PM - edited โ28-07-2014 09:49 PM
(I've been meaning to do this for a while, but had to wait til I bought something on eBay so I could include screen shots. )
This primarily concerns providing a postage address to the seller. Along with the registered address, an eBay account has the option for storing several postage addresses which can be selected during checkout. One address will be the 'Primary' postage address, which is the default address used when you go through the checkout to pay for an item.
You can check which addresses you have on file by going to My eBay > mousing over the Account tab > select Addresses
It's very important to double-check and confirm the address that is displayed during checkout is the one you want the item sent to, as in may cases it won't be possible to request postage to an alternative addresse once payment has been finalised. Some sellers will only check and respond to their messages from buyers at very specific and limited times, so even if you message as soon as payment has been made, you can still find that an item has been sent before they ever get to see your request.
Once you proceed to checkout, you will arrive at a screen that asks you to select your payment method - the address that the seller will receive as the postage address is on the left side of the screen, and if it is correct, you won't need to do anything, but if it is incorrect, you can click the 'Change address' link, and a window will pop up on screen that will allow you to select or enter a different address.
As an additional, optional feature, you can add a messag to the seller by clicking on the relevant link - this is more for clarifying details, for example if you were buying an item that requires personal information like custom address labels, you can provide the details through this message function.
This is what the pop-up window for changing the address will look like.
This screen is showing the default address, but if you have any other saved addresses, they will be able to be selected in the dropdown menu in the first field at the top. You can also add a new address by clicking the link on the top-right. Clicking that link will blank out all fields in the address form, so that you can type in the correct address, and once you have filled in the information, you will have the option to save the new address as your default postage address (meaning it will be the one that is automatically pre-filled during checkout).
Just as an aside, when you fill in your address, keep in mind that the field names are slightly Americanised. The address lines 1 & 2 are for address details such as street name and number, or post office box number etc, and the City field is equivalent to 'Suburb'.
Some people put their suburb in the address line and input either the city council area where their suburb is located, or their nearest capital city - for example 'Carlton, Melbourne'. Only the suburb is required, and is recommended to ensure your order arrives as quickly as possible (greater city areas on a package can actually cause the package to be redirected or delayed unnecessarily due to sorting and routing by Australia Post).
Providing a 100% correct address, formatted correctly in the relevant fields, will mean that your order can be processed more efficiently, by both the seller and Australia Post.
โ05-10-2014 01:28 PM - edited โ05-10-2014 01:31 PM
(sorry for bumping this old thread . . . . but some recent threads had me thinking this post was needed to provide more advice for buyers, incliding this one from a long time regular poster to the boards http://community.ebay.com.au/t5/Selling/My-Paypal-Account-Has-Been-Hacked-Ggggrrrrr/m-p/1550529#U155... )
Buyers, you should consider opening a bank account that will be used for just your eBaying activity. Run it as a savings account with a debit card attached. This will enable you to link the debit card to a PayPal account. When you know you are going to be buying items on eBay you can deposit some funds into this account to cover the purchases.
Some banks offer 'fee free' savings accounts and others charge a monthly or annual fee. You can use the same bank as you use for your regular savings or mortgage, or choose a different bank. I use Westpac as they are open until 5pm each day here in Mildura which is better for me than the NAB who close at 4pm. If you use the same bank as your regular savings you can easily do an internet transfer from one account to the other when you need funds to pay for items.
The main benefit gained by having a designated eBay bank account is that you will limit any losses due to scammers or fraudulent activity on your PayPal account to the balance you keep in the account. If you use your regular savings account, the one your pay gets deposited in to, you are exposing yourself to much higher losses and financial pain.
on โ05-10-2014 04:08 PM
Another tip for BUYERS when putting in their address.
Unless your postcode is the actual capital city, ie 2000, 3000, etc - then you don't live there so please don't put your capital city in the address line.
For example, if you put your address as: 5 Whatever Street, Footscray, Melbourne, 3011. This will result in the suburb being Melbourne. But you don't live there, your SUBURB is actually FOOTSCRAY. You don't need to put in Melbourne as well.
Sellers using Click & Send or the ebay postage labelling have to manually change the address if you haven't put your suburb in the correct line. Mistakes can happen which could have ramifications on you receiving your item.
on โ05-10-2014 04:12 PM
Sorry, just saw the screen shot after I posted.
Edit : by suburb I meant CITY, which is the city related to your postcode, not your capital city.
So in the CITY line, put Footscray, not Melbourne
Hope that's as clear as mud ๐
on โ05-10-2014 05:09 PM
bsal, thank you for your contribution. I do, however, disagree with you.
When I started on eBay I fumbled my way through things. It took me a little time before I realised that I could change the way my search results were displayed. As a newcomer, I thought that "Best Match" was the best way for me to find things, I didn't know that I could attach notes to items that I put on my watch list, I didn't know that I could view feedback that sellers left for others, I wasn't aware that some unscrupulous sellers would drag out a transaction past the 45 day PayPal claim cutoff, I once got caught out bidding much more than I had intended by using a comma instead of a full stop in my bid amount.
bsal, sorry if you didn't learn anything from reading this thread and I trust that if you truly find it condascending towards buyers that you will not return. Many posters have posted great ideas for buyers here and I am confident that many buyers have improved their eBay experience. I say this because many Kudos have been given to posts here by members that read threads and do not post. I take it that they come here to learn, and have learnt from posts in this thread.
bsal, perhaps you would like to post some advice for buyers that you do not consider is condascending! I would welcome any such constructive contribution from you, and would even Kudo your post should it be worthy of Kudos.
on โ05-10-2014 05:17 PM
How about then also showing the newbie buyers then how to exclude those sellers from their searches that they might consider dodgy, shifty, untrustworthy etc etc.
on โ05-10-2014 05:24 PM
@bsal6160 wrote:How about then also showing the newbie buyers then how to exclude those sellers from their searches that they might consider dodgy, shifty, untrustworthy etc etc.
I would show them how to do that . . . . if I knew!
If there is a way then please let me know. If anyone out there knows how to exclude selected sellers from searches then please post that advice here as I feel it would be really valuable advice for all buyers.
When I do a search and nominate "Australia Only" I still get Chinese sellers etc and would love to be able to do truly refined searches that excludes dodgy sellers.
on โ05-10-2014 05:34 PM
Click on Advanced (Next to the search button)
Scoll down to Sellers
Tick the "Only show items from:" box
Change Include to EXCLUDE
Type in username of seller to exclude from your searched items.
on โ06-10-2014 01:43 AM
Buyers, when leaving a star rating, leaving a 1, 2 or 3 star rating is the same as leaving negative feedback for the seller. When you try to leave 1 or 2 stars, you will get a pop up message asking if you really want to do that. You don't get that message with a 3 rating.
A 1, 2 or 3 rating automatically gives the seller a defect against their account. If they accumulate enough defects, eBay will restrict their selling. 3 doesn't mean you are neither happy or unhappy, it means you are unhappy in eBay's eyes.
If you feel the need to leave a 1, 2 or 3 star rating, contact the seller prior to leaving it so they have the option of rectifying what the issue is. If they refuse to rectify, then go ahead and leave a low star rating and neutral/negative feedback.
Sellers can see who gave them a low star rating, so don't try and hide behing a positive feedback with a low rating. If you do that, a seller will add you to their blocked buyer list, meaning you can never buy from that seller again.