Not shipped to Australia

Is there any way to have goods purchased from sellers who will only sell to US and Canada sent to someone in the US and then forwarded to Australia. Are there any organisations which offer this service. Quite often items that I would really like to purchase I am unable to do so because of the shipping restrictions.

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Re: Not shipped to Australia

I have had the same problems at times but I got around them by getting a Yank friend of mine to receive the goods at their home after I purchased the item/s and paid for them myself.

I only had to alter my Paypal shipping address before I made the purchase, then change it back to my Aussie address afterward.

I just covered the extra shipping costs to get the goods to Australia from my Yank friends'place.


I don't know if there are such animals as 'Purchasing agents' in the USA but no doubt they would be looking to make a nice buck profit out of you for doing it, plus loading the shipping costs from them to you. Not a good idea from my behalf lol.


Perhaps you should 'cultivate' a good friendship with someone living over there ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Re: Not shipped to Australia

Yes if you do a Google search for "us mail forwarding to Australia" you will find a long list of companies in the US that do mail forwarding. This can also be done from England. The problem is that it costs more than standard mail and takes longer. So you need to be sure that you will save money on the total cost including the postage and re-posting to Australia before you buy. You also need to contact the seller to explain your delivery arrangements to get them to authorise your bid or create an ebay account on the US or UK ebay site with your re-mailers address so you can bid.

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Re: Not shipped to Australia

I have used a few times before and they are great for this kind of service. They are also an Australian company so are a bit easier to deal with. You jsut send them the link to the item you want to purchase and they will buy it from you and bill you the cost of the item + shipping from US to AUS.

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Re: Not shipped to Australia

Thanks for all of the advice. I will check out that site ausfast.

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Re: Not shipped to Australia

I have bought from a number of these sellers, and I did it by simply sending a polite message, saying how interested I was in the item and please could they consider letting me bid on it?

More than half the times I asked the reply was very friendly and I won the item. Some sellers wouldn't budge and then I had the entertainment of seeing the thing sell well under what I would have paid. But if you have good FB and plenty of it, a lot of them will sell to you.

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do."


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Re: Not shipped to Australia

I have used USGlobalmail (dot com) for years.

They are not the cheapest, but after trialling another company with absolutely disastrous results, I found the service they offered far outweighed any slightly more expensive costs.

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