PayPals new format , PayPal is taking payments from my Bank account now

I just went to check my PayPal account and noticed that my last 4 purchases have been paid using my Bank account ( so payments are "pay after delivery" ( whatever that means 😞 )


I always have cash in my PayPal account so not sure why it's not being used for payments , is there something I need to do to ensure payments come from my money already in PayPal ?


I don't recall a message when using the checkout that stated money would come from my Bank. I know there is one if you don't have sufficient funds etc but there's never a need for that .


I don't want to pay this way 🙂 I'm sure I've missed something


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PayPals new format , PayPal is taking payments from my Bank account now

Call paypal on their free call number

Sounds like there is something wrong there.

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PayPals new format , PayPal is taking payments from my Bank account now

Check you still have payment from Paypal as your primary option. And you haven't opted into the pay later thing.

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PayPals new format , PayPal is taking payments from my Bank account now

Thank you so much



It looks like PayPal decided for me how I should use my account and changed the preferred payment settings .

I changed it back , rather annoyed they fiddled with my account but all fixed now .


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