ebay removing listings

have been trying to buy some coats before winter..but keep getting "listing removed" from watch list and purchase history (which removes detail so you cant communicate to the seller EVEN when you have paid for the item,

 How long do you hope the article may turn up when detail is gone and it is (supposed to be) marked posted in ebay

How can and why are items delisted when the auction is over and they are supposed to be in post

Why is there so many delisted re coats from china..I have had an unbelievable amount even regarding sellers with 97 to 100% feedback

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ebay removing listings

Honored Contributor

There is a scam going on with coats from China.

If you have paid for an item and the listing is removed by ebay you can be pretty sure that you will never see the coat.  Just open a dispute in paypal and get your money back.

And look elsewhere for a coat that you might actually get....try the USA or the UK for decent winter coats.

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ebay removing listings

I purchased something from someone here on eBay on Sunday afternoon. That night I decided to read the negative and neutral feedback in which quite a few people were saying the same item (which I had just purchased) wasn't a legit one it was an imitation and they contacted the seller various times with no response. To reading this I was quite nervous, but was still going to make my own judgement when the item arrived. The item was marked as posted the next Monday morning.

This morning (wednesday) I get an email saying the item I had just purchased was no longer available and yes when I clicked on it, I experienced the same thing as you did ... Couldn't view the item at all, or contact the sellers or anything. I found another way around it, and contacted them through a message I sent (when I asked a question about the item) they finally replied to me and said "yes my item had been posted and they removed the item, but it would be back up again in a few days time"

So I'm in the same boat as you, after the feedback I read then to have this happen.... I'm in question to if my item will actually arrive! Please keep us posted on if you receive your coat at all.
Good luck! And if not, I hope you get your money back without any problems.... That's what I like about PayPal how you are protected if something goes wrong.
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ebay removing listings

You won't receive your coat. If ebay has pulled the listing there is a fair chance it was fraudulent. The time to look at sellers' feedback is BEFORE you buy.

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