1960's pre news cartton

Hi all ....hoping someone can help me out here.


I have been trying to find a video clip of a little cartoon that I think came on before the news started. 


The background music is called  Telstar by the Tornados. 


From memory, it was a little planet (Ithink) moving aound the sky and passing the moon etc. 


Here is a link to what the music sounded like.




If anyone can give me the year, what TV channel it was etc, I would be very grateful. My Dad passed away a while ago, and I remember running into the lounge you to sit on his lap and watch it. 


I would so love to see it again.



Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

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Re: 1960's pre news cartton

Re: 1960's pre news cartton

Re: 1960's pre news cartton

That looks like it Jimmy.  The closest I could find was a BBC news one with a meteor flying around the world but the music wasn't quite right.

Message 4 of 12
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Re: 1960's pre news cartton

Hi ...thanks for getting back to me.  This click is similar, but there were no robots in the one I saw. 



Message 5 of 12
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Re: 1960's pre news cartton

Hi... Do you have the link to the one you found with the meteor flying around the world ?


Maybe that is what I saw.


Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 6 of 12
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Re: 1960's pre news cartton

@prettypaperprints-2011 wrote:

Hi ...thanks for getting back to me.  This click is similar, but there were no robots in the one I saw. 



That was gigantor in that video. I don't why it was there, but looking around it sounds like Prince planet, but has a different them song...so probably not it.


Was it black and white? Any more clues?


Prince planet....https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=9QDlkj302tA


Had fun looking though. I saw some that I remember talking to my older brother about.



Message 7 of 12
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Re: 1960's pre news cartton

Thanks...it is fun looking at all the old stuff again.


It was in black and white and from memory it came on just before the news. I think it was how people new the news was about to come on. I don't remember the channel as I was too young. 


It was a short animated clip where this little planet , I think it was, moved around the sky, passed a smiling moon and I think the milky way had a cow there.


I often have these flash backs of things long ago. I was trying to find the name of a show my Mother used to watch when I was young and all I could remember was being fasinated with all these Kangaroos jumoing around. It took me awhile, but finally found out the show was called Whiplash....all about the begining of Cobb & Co in Australia.

I'm sure my family thought I was mad, but I was finally able to show them the show.


Maybe there is no saved recording of this little TV clip I remember , but thought it was worth a try. The music alone brings back memories.



Message 8 of 12
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Re: 1960's pre news cartton

I'm sure there will be more ideas posted.


I just happened to run across this...(close!)



Message 9 of 12
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Re: 1960's pre news cartton

Thanks Jimmy ...that ones cute. Never seen that one before.



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