A question, please.

Population of Australia 23,376,601 - Population of the UK 63,896,071. (approx).


Why is it then, that the UK's ebay's Round Table is practically static (often a couple of threads in 48 hours isn't unusual), and yet the equivalent forum over here (Community Spirit) rattles along like a steam train ? Threads can be lost on page two in no time flat.


That used to be the case on the Round Table, but sadly not any more. Lots of reasons have been given, from over-enthusistic Moderators to Trolls, from Facebook to Twitter, but I'm sure the situation is no different here.


Mr. Puzzled. (From another dimension).

Message 1 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

The Amazon boards seem to be well patronised in the U.K.,as they are Stateside. We don't have a dedicated Australian one here.
Message 2 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

...and you can pretty much say what you like there 😉
Message 3 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

Community Member

Do you think this board is steaming along?  I suppose it moves quite well.  I'm sorry about the UK one.  It used to be good from what I saw.

Message 4 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

Why is it then, that the UK's ebay's Round Table is practically static.


Perhaps the english are to staid to form internet friendships or have a yarn with fellow strangers?

Aussies are known to be easy going. Yes, we have our differences in opinions, but we take criticism in our stride and repay in kind.

One has to have a good sense of humour as well and a thick skin to be able to banter and argue in a non-political correct way.


Cheer up mate, and join the Aussies in their yackety-yack.


Erica Oroo.gif

Message 5 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

The English have the best sense of humour going.Just look at their comedy shows.They're head and shoulders above anyone else in that department.
Message 6 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

EMB, it is a well known fact that posters congregate here so as to have an opportunity to "pay out" on moi. 🙂


But try as they might they don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of success 🙂

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 7 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

@spotweldersfriend wrote:
The English have the best sense of humour going.Just look at their comedy shows.They're head and shoulders above anyone else in that department.

Yes, I know spot, and I love english comedy.

What I said is that english people are to staid in their way to have a real ding-dong argument conversation on open boards. That is what makes our boards lively and interesting for others to join in.

Erica ChubbyWink.gif

Message 8 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

@spotweldersfriend wrote:
The English have the best sense of humour going.Just look at their comedy shows.They're head and shoulders above anyone else in that department.

True Spots, I don't think 'sense of humour'. comes into it. Re: Monty Python, Red Dwarf, Only Fools and Horses, Fawlty Towers, League of Gentlemen, The Young Ones, etc, etc. And let's face it, we must have a sense of humour to take your Dame Edna to our bosom.  photo laugh_zpsbc9f7645.gif


I do know however that a certain member posted a thread regarding Immigration and it was pulled within seconds, as being 'too controvertial'.

Message 9 of 13
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Re: A question, please.

I used to spend a lot of time on the Amazon boards,emb.Haven't dropped in for a while.Mostly English on the U.K version though there are numerous ones on the U.S. one.I'm talking about the music forums there as this is my main interest/hobby. They also cover other subjects too like religion,philosophy,movies,literature,politics etc.Quite a few Australians venture there.It can become quite heated there.I prefer the U.K version myself because its much more civilised and the British sense of humour appeals to me more
Perhaps ebays moderation is the reason the forums there aren't well patronised. Sometimes I also feel like fleeing and going elsewhere,but most of the crew here are a likable bunch even if we disagree on certain issues 🙂

Message 10 of 13
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