All cultures are equal???

As we are supposed to celebrate the many cultures now in Australia why should we be concerned about 12-year-olds getting married. In order to stifle our questioning and concerns about the cultural 'delights' (think FGM, subjugation of distaff groups etc) of some cultures we were asked to accept that all cultures are equal.


Why should we be concerned about child brides? All cultures are equal aren't they?


Sydney woman ignored over child bride reports


A SYDNEY woman says she has tried to report multiple counts of child marriage involving girls as young as 12, and was completely ignored.


Bee al-Darraj, 24, told The Australian she had contacted multiple authorities concerning the forced marriage of girls she knew at her Sydney Islamic school.


The Iraqi-born student says she was ignored by the Australian Federal Police, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ....


The NSW government only last month declared the state was in the grip of a child bride crisis.



Message 1 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

how old are the husbands? are we taking about boys of similar ages to the girls or dirty old men?


if its boys under 18 then what can you do?


if its dirty old men, hang the barstards.

Message 2 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

Simple, if you want to come to Australia, you live by the rules and laws of Australia.

I find Australians generally are already very tolerant and welcoming of other cultures.

No matter what visa you are on, you sign accepting the laws of the country for yourself and your children.


I'm a very reasonable and flexible person but I am getting a little sick n tired of some groups of people, want want want, me me me.

image host
Message 3 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

David, generally they are much older than the girl and the girl has no say in it, that's why they are labelled as forced marriages rather than arranged marriages that some cultures do. It's not unheard of that girls as young as 9 are sold off as brides and die on their wedding night due to the "husband" consumating the "marriage". In fact, the incidence is quite high. Those girls are the lucky ones. They are then no longer subect to being raped daily, multiple times every day by their "husband" and being forced to carry children before their bodies are capable.


This sort of thing isn't just happening in the "mother country", it's happening here too and when they are caught, they scream that it's their culture, so little if anything happens to them. We are told we have to accommodate all cultures and accept their way of life is different or we are called bigots and racists. There are laws for them and laws for us. If we went to their country we would be expected to abide by their laws, yet when they come to our country, we adust our laws for them.


If an Australian man married a 12yo girl he'd be locked up for being a paedophile. If someone from the middle east does it, they are told to be quiet about it and told it's OK because that's their culture. This country is racist towards its own people so as not to upset the immigrants.

Message 4 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

@davidc4430 wrote:

how old are the husbands? are we taking about boys of similar ages to the girls or dirty old men?


Who cares. All cultures are equal.

Message 5 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

what exactly can authorities here do if the child has gone/been taken to iraq and been married off to some old guy?


they behead people in iran, we dont stop it. why not? maybe because its in iran.


china executes who knows how many every year, we dont stop buying carp off them.


if anyone knows of children being married to old guys here and the authorities do nothing, thats different. if that happens and nothings done the media should be all over it if they are doing their job.

Message 6 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

All cultures are equal in the sense they must be respected in the lands of their origin.


If persons enter into a country ( for various reasons) with a different culture of their own, they should respect the law of that land and not try to impose their cultrure on the host country.







Message 7 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

Yes, and it's not happening here,    we are so 'democratic'!!.  

Message 8 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

@*tippy*toes* wrote:


This sort of thing isn't just happening in the "mother country", it's happening here too and when they are caught, they scream that it's their culture, so little if anything happens to them. We are told we have to accommodate all cultures and accept their way of life is different or we are called bigots and racists. There are laws for them and laws for us. If we went to their country we would be expected to abide by their laws, yet when they come to our country, we adust our laws for them.



Where is the proof that these forced underage marriages occur here in Australia?

Message 9 of 38
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Re: All cultures are equal???

Community Member
My question too. Where is the evidence?
Message 10 of 38
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