Are women taking over Hollywood?

Dustin Hoffman accused of sexual harassment, director Brett Ratner hit with sexual assault allegations


have women decided to run men out of hollywood with claims of sexual harassment?


i'm sure there has been lots of sex liasons in the hollywood game. men using their power to get sex.


but i'm also sure plenty of women used sex as a way to climb the star ladder too.


looks like women have decided just to smear all the men as sex fiends, thus dethroning them fom power.


shall we lock up all the married actors who had 'flings' with their co stars, some even then going on to divorce their wives or husbands to marry their new love interest?


some very very big names have been involved in hanky panky behind the scenes of movie sets.


then there is the drug taking parties that have often hit the tabloids.


just what will the new hollywood be like without all the shenanigans?

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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?

Doubt that Follywood will ever be shenanigan free.   


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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?

There is a ' slight ' difference between an affair & sexual assault.

Message 3 of 11
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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?

"There is a ' slight ' difference between an affair & sexual assault". That there is!


Also very often a huge difference between "allegation" and "fact".

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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?

I think there's an imbalance between the sexual power men and women have and the public reaction to it. At what point does seductive become provocative, and flirtatious become invasive. There would be countless male and female actors who behaved in these ways and were adored and admired for it because it added to their persona. But now things are getting a little more serious and some people are starting to question these behaviours.


I hope this doesn't just become a male witch hunt. While I'm sure there are innocent females in the entertainment industry who have been taken advantage of, I'm also certain there are others who simply bit off more than they could chew and exercised poor judgement. I guess that's what can happen when one is pursuing fame and fortune!

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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?

I have a confession to make........22 years ago, in a motel in Brookings, Oregon, Martha Stewart flung me on the right hand queen bed, disrobed me, and banged me like a cheap drum......


Oh, it was a different Martha Stewart.


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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?


Message 7 of 11
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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?

Even now, it the predawn stillness, the mantra, "It's a good thing" runs through the recesses of my brain.

Message 8 of 11
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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?

@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

I have a confession to make........22 years ago, in a motel in Brookings, Oregon, Martha Stewart flung me on the right hand queen bed, disrobed me, and banged me like a cheap drum......


Oh, it was a different Martha Stewart.


All the same - geez - how lucky were you.


Robot wink

Message 9 of 11
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Re: Are women taking over Hollywood?

Please dont make a joke about sexual assault.


I know every one is trying to get in on the deal, but unless you are a women and know how helpless you feel when this happens you can NOT joke about it.


Would you want some guy standing over your daughter ????????????????

Message 10 of 11
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