BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Seems to be a lack of threads for blokes.
On other threads,some ladies have mentioned, their OHs
would post, but had no interest in most of the threads on offer.
I can bump this thead twice a day,so its easy to find.
Give it a go---Richo.
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Thank you - I am on it.


2011-01-01 001 001.JPG

Message 37741 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Lol richo I will b some of them do use their uniform to intimidate.


Bet it's cold down heater on here but know it's cool up on the mountain.

Message 37742 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Evening all 🙂


Wow JV, that's a bit of a drive, for some reason I thought they lived close to you,.


Helen I dont like cream, so I add milk to my soup, if you are going to freeze it, I wouldnt add it until you are heating it to serve, from what I have read, cream doesnt freeze well.


Richo, s there an old railway station at the the park? Train no longer runs to my town but the station is still there, gorgeous old building, now used as a touro centre.    Picked up a bit of wood today, will head out out there again tomorrow, while the weather is good, strike while the chain saw is hot as they say lol


Few fires in ths little lot









Message 37743 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Waves to JV u still at the Gold Coast?

Still in Townsville no Winter yet 😞

Message 37744 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Lol kezza still on the Goldie. ...hope u r well.


Bushie they r only in toowoomba till the end of the year and then they r on the move again,the princess has to return to work after mat. Leave.  Nice lot of wood there...used to love going out and getting fire wood...nothing like splitting logs to keep one fit.

Message 37745 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning blokes and sheilas....minus 1 atm............16 later.


Hi Kezza--blast from the past .lol.


Very cold start here-should be ok later.


Need to look for a missing post to Bushie-or do it again.


Enjoy your day everyone Richo////.

Message 37746 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Nice haul of firewood Bushie--few days worth there.


Up the bush with the lads-that would be the kindling -then the back logs later.


The railway reserve is natural lakes that were dammed and piped in to the railway station back in the 

old days -to provide water for the steam engines.


Lived here for a long time but never bothered to go and have a look before.


Lots of work been done and plantings of native shrubs etc.......................................Richo//////.


This is from autosave last night.

Message 37747 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

good morning Richo and everyone 


dam cold at yours Richo brewww


4 now going to be 22 degs


im sorry to hear your mate is so ill Woman Sad  do you know what's wrong with him ?


JV  bit darn cheeky useing your driveway geez!!  Woman Surprised


Helen i love your pj's  that kind of gear is my everyday wear love a new pr of pj's lol


got 2 big drawers full of them lol


all the clothes hanging in the walk in are never worn must have a chuck out most dont fit properly now anyway cus i have lost a bit of weight not a huge amount and i could still wear them if i wanted to but i wont so should toss um


happy day wishes to all

Message 37748 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Morning Ooaks.


Slightly better temps at your place.


No PJs here-whatever the lounge gear was during the day-becomes .nightwear.


Few things down the street later-then park up....................................................Richo//////. 

Message 37749 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Mornin' Richo


Around 5 here atm, heading for 14 n sunny


Thanks for the info re the Railway Reserve, I googled it last night, looks fantastic, lots of work gone into it .... Am always interested in local history, particularly old buildings etc


Trying to stock pile as much wood as we can atm, not having the trailer mean twice the trips, so getting out there as often as we can before the bad weather sets in   .... Will head out there again this morning  ...... Not everyone's cup of tea but we love it out there, gets us out of the "Burbs"  for a while lol    .



Hope everyone has a god day   




Message 37750 of 98,294
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