BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Seems to be a lack of threads for blokes.
On other threads,some ladies have mentioned, their OHs
would post, but had no interest in most of the threads on offer.
I can bump this thead twice a day,so its easy to find.
Give it a go---Richo.
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Hi All,

I hope the hives settle down before friday for you JV.


Well my OH took a tumble of the ladder this afternoon, he was doing something to the back of the house, he has a grazed back and a cut on his forehead.

Not the first time he has fallen off the ladder, just doesnt make sure that it is safe before he climbs it........he is one of these people that says near enough is good enough, maybe he has learnt his lesson, this time.


Going to be 29 deg. tomorrow, wont last, going to rain the rest of the week.


I am having an early night, have to write the shopping list for tomorrows food shopping, then going to read.


Have a good evening everyone.......

Message 11131 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Hi PH-he is a thrill seeker.

Might be safer looking after the fish tanks.

Good day tomorrow-see what happens after that,

Think im working on Sat..................................................Richo.

Message 11132 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Not applicable

Oh you have all been busy, glad the little bloke has been to  Doctor Purple.  Can't believe your little bloke is walking Richo.

My computer has been fixed took a couple of hours but Lib is a clever girl.  Had a bet on the cup......mugs game, hehe, bit of fun though.


JV the hives will last a week, maybe more, I have them somewhere all the time because I have no allergy system.  Cold Washer and, or, Calamine Lotion will help. 


Richo I have looked at that expensive car wash but figure it woud spit my little car out, haha


Sandy you poor girl, I know how you feel.  I don't do well without internet access, hope it is fixed soon.  I always run a virus detector and a Malware program,  what one misses the other one gets.


Got Dentist in the morning, new choppers, will be listhbing for a few days, haha.  I bet I am not laughing tomorrow night. 

Message 11133 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Morning blokes and sheilas.

Hi Linda--good you are back and hope the dentist visit is not painful.

Its hard when the puta is not working

Young bloke offered to bet for me on his phone.-declined.

The grandie looks like a drunk at closing time-but gets around.

Now i will try and fit 5 days work into 3.

~~~waves to the others.....................................Richo.

Message 11134 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Morning morning all:)


Thanks for the heads up Linda on the Calamine will slip out and get some a bit later on


Yes Purps if the hives are not gone by next time to the quack hes changing my meds......apparently about 10 percent have some sort of reaction to them, including some getting hives.


Richo glad you got to catch up with the grandie 🙂


The OH went out for Melbourne Cup lunch didnt do any good in the sweeps but at least had the day out, of course has gone to golfie today:)


Linda bet its good to be back on the net we dont realise how much we depend on it


Hope sandy is back soon


Waves to everyone:)  Have a good day everybodies:)



Message 11135 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning JV----just relax and take it easy today.

Work time.........................................................................Richo.

Message 11136 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning Richo & Everyone,


Hope you have a good day at work, Richo.


Linda, glad you are back with us and that your comp is up and running again.


JV, another thing that is good, you buy it from the chemist it is stop itch, really good for itches, I always keep a tube in med cupbord.


OH is sore from his fall yesterday, so he isnt doing much today, we do have to go do some food shopping.


Another nice day coming up for us, have to make the most of these days, as we dont get many.


Sandy, hope you are back soon.


Waves to Kess & Kat..


Have a great day everyone...

Message 11137 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Hi Purps and hope the OH is going to be ok hope he didnt hit his head or anything like that geez there is an age when one no longer goes up on ladders mollie meldrum comes to mind:)


Got some of that stop bite cream the pharmacist recommended it hopefully the stuff will settle time will tell......


Waves to everyone a little lotto i bought whilst was up in Toowoomba won 131.00 on it so was pleased about that


Hope everyone is having a cruisy day:)

Message 11138 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Not applicable

Afternoon folks, I am a bit late but, here.  Got my new teeth, have just had mush, which qualifies as food for the next few days, but, that's ok.  I reckon by  christmas I will be able to eat a nice piece of scotch fillet.


Hope your OH didn't get too much of a fright Purple, used to shake me up when I flew off the top step.  If he is moving around today, that's good.


That's the trouble with day's off Richo, the same amount of work needs to be done.

Message 11139 of 98,294
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.


Sorry i have not been in to see how you are all going,well i hope.

I have joined the FB group & that seems to take up alot of time.


Good news is our house sold about 3 1/2 weeks ago,not on the market long which is wonderful.

Finance comes through today,their bank have been through & valued the place & they had a very big deposit. A young couple with 2 little kiddies which i love,they will get so much outta the yard as our's did.


Friday i am having someone in for blind quotes,when i said 22 windows & doors i thnk theirs eyes nearly poped out of their head,that may not be a good thing.

Getting a quote for security double front doors as well, we seem to miss out on so much breeze coming through there & i like my doors open.


Man shed & fencing soon too, had to run after the dog this morning as a bunch of kanga's jumped through.....without shoes on, swore & carried on over the rocks & gravel. ,through parrot claw trees.


Hoping to get quotes for extending the elfresco & pool asap so that the kiddies have a pool these chrissy holidays as we are not going away this year.


Jv i have sort of started a garden & have been thinking of the beautiful photo's you have shown.So far i have planted mini agapantha's (spell ?) along the paved drive,a standard rosemary in the corner & then African box along the front as a lowish hedge.

I have put a blood red geranium in a blue pot near the front doors & really like how it looks.

Have bought quite afew natives to put along the front as a wind break  & the ornamental  weeping peaches have had there first flowering & look stunning.


The potted tomatoes are doing well , cant wait to start a veggi plot but that will have to wait.


Christmas is so close its crazy, have not done much shopping & its going to be a race at the end, the imput of funds from the house will be a nice change.


kat x

Message 11140 of 98,294
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