Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

The Liberals thought they only had Palmer to worry about.


Now 2 others that he didn't expect have broken away.


Smiley Happy

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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

"Re: Carbon Tax:"


What what? but we were promised "There will be no carbon tax" .  Next the Greens will not be supporting automatic indexing of fuel excise according to CPI. Oh dear they will not !

Myopic Tongues2 Small.jpg

Message 2 of 35
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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

Australia can cut carbon emissions to zero and still grow, says report

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Message 3 of 35
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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

Now they have a few more worries after what Clive's just announced. It doesn't look like getting through today after all
Message 4 of 35
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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

he is standing firm that all carbon tax savings be passed on to consumers, no if buts and maybe clauses, to let corporations off the hook


 He must have a good speed reading legal team as the new senators only received the dfraft @ 8.30 this morning

Message 5 of 35
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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

Does that mean I won't get my $500? Oh shoot,I was looking forward to spending it on pokies and booze. ๐Ÿ˜ž
Message 6 of 35
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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

It sounds like he was given a verbal agreement in order to pass the bill, but the document he received this morning was not what he expected.

Serves the Libs right for trying to pull the wool over the senates eyes
Message 7 of 35
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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?


Message 8 of 35
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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

Carbon debate won't die with Senate vote


Even South Korea, a major trading partner for Australia, this week slapped a tax of about $18 per tonne of coal, and starts its own ETS next January.


A reminder of the buffeting Abbott can expect came this week from Lord Deben, the chair of the UKโ€™s independent Committee on Climate Change. The former head of the UKโ€™s Conservative Party recently attended a conference in Mexico of former parliamentarians from 80 countries, where he said Australia was lambasted for becoming the first nation to have a price on carbon and then ditch it.


โ€œAustralia was constantly raised as frankly the pariah, the odd one out,โ€ Lord Deben told Fairfax Media on Tuesday.


โ€œTo build your argument on the basis that you can trash tomorrow in order to make profits today doesnโ€™t seem to be a proper position,โ€ he said. โ€œI donโ€™t think the rest of world will take that very kindly.โ€

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Message 9 of 35
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Re: Carbon Tax: the self congratulations were a bit premature aye?

I watched an interesting press conference this morning by Clive Palmer & Dr.John Hewson on Sky. certainly some food for thought there
Message 10 of 35
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