Channel 7 House Rules. Who pays for the renos ?

Not applicable

The House Rules web site is a little vague.

It just seems to me that if a couple gets a full reno done then it must

come pretty close to the prize money anyway.

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Channel 7 House Rules. Who pays for the renos ?

Honored Contributor

The biggest expense in renos is the labour.   The contestants do all the hard yakka so the costs would not be as high as you might think.


A lot of the big companies give coupons to the contestants.....hardware stores, furniture stores, bathroom fittings and tiles..... so in effect the costs are being covered by the stores who score plenty of "free" advertising.

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Channel 7 House Rules. Who pays for the renos ?

well like everything, the comunity pay

in this case a person buys something in one of the businesses that supports the program and a % of that purchase goes to paying for the reno.

the money allways comes from us, its how everything works.

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Channel 7 House Rules. Who pays for the renos ?

Not applicable

Not quite sure how most of those contestants could actually 'help' apart from

a little painting and the ocassional "look at me I am knocking a wall down".
Of course they appear to do more but not much.

That would leave an enourmous labour bill given the time frame for the reno.

Some of those gadgets are very expensive and I doubt a supplier would just 'gift'

them for a mention.

I am being nit picky I guess because I don't like to see viewers treated like idiots

but then I doubt that many viewers would actually belive the time frames claimed.

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Channel 7 House Rules. Who pays for the renos ?

It's not just on that show, your question would apply to all those shows that are about home renovations.

I can accept that labour costs are the killer & if people do some of their own work, they'll save money, but there was an episode 2 or 3 years back on the Block where a kitchen was supposedly done for about $15,000. The kitchen was not installed by the contestants and that money covered not just the kitchen but the appliances, flooring, painting, plastering, lighting & furniture. Really? I don't think so. Not in the normal world, not even if you did a lot of the labour yourself.


The true costs are fudged. As someone else mentioned, there are businesses donating things, gift vouchers and the like. I also suspect the tradies who do get paid on some of these shows are working at a lot lower rate than they would charge the average householder.


The shows are good for entertainment value but never take their quotes and prices as anywhere near the ballpark for what you would have to pay.Smiley Happy




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Channel 7 House Rules. Who pays for the renos ?

the clue is in the title of tv station description.


'comercial tv'


all those comercials during the show pay for what your seeing plus if you watch the credits a big list usually flys by of people who supply goods and services.

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Channel 7 House Rules. Who pays for the renos ?

" The shows are good for entertainment value ."
I beg to differ there.
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Channel 7 House Rules. Who pays for the renos ?

Community Member
The only "reality" of "reality TV" is that it isn't reality
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