Clover Moore on borrowed time

At last Sydney businesses are going to be able to vote for the mayor for Sydney.


Businesses will be afforded 2 votes per business and residents 1 vote per person.


Up to 80.000 businesses will be able to vote. 80.000 businesses who were not willing to jump through hoops, fill out endless paperwork and time consuming make work that saw a lot of businesses lose heart. The predictions are Moore will be finished and not before time.


78.5% of the rates are paid by businesses, businesses will no longer be put  into a headlock and jump through hoops justy to vote.


The corrupt gerrymander Moore has  enjoyed up to now will be, at last. be a  level playing field.

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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

Not a day too soon.

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

@lightningdance wrote:

At last Sydney businesses are going to be able to vote for the mayor for Sydney.


Businesses will be afforded 2 votes per business and residents 1 vote per person.


Up to 80.000 businesses will be able to vote. 80.000 businesses who were not willing to jump through hoops, fill out endless paperwork and time consuming make work that saw a lot of businesses lose heart. The predictions are Moore will be finished and not before time.


78.5% of the rates are paid by businesses, businesses will no longer be put  into a headlock and jump through hoops justy to vote.


The corrupt gerrymander Moore has  enjoyed up to now will be, at last. be a  level playing field.

Businesses already are allowed to vote.  This proposal is about forcing them to vote, not only one vote but two.


Last election out of 100,000 registered to vote only 1700 did vote.  Why should they have to vote and why should they all get 2 votes?


People live there too, it's not only businesses that matter.  The manager of a development company might decide Hyde Park would be better used as a shopping complex or office block.  


Some people celebrate the strangest things, as is their right.

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

Sydney’s lord mayor Clover Moore has hit out at plans to force 80,000 businesses to vote in council elections, accusing the state government of undermining democracy in a desperate bid to draw publicattention away from the scandals plaguing the Liberal Party at ICAC.

Read more:
Message 4 of 12
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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

Aside from it being an absolutely ludicrous decision reminiscent of something that would happen in a country with rife political corruption, businesses would be crazy to vote her out.


The city has grown into an amazing place whilst she has been in charge. Her vision for the city has grown it from a dead zone after 6pm to a city with people finally living in it, with amazing culture and great facilities. The bike network has been fantastic and her green initiatives have been taken up by other cities globally.


What else would you want from a city leader?

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

Whole sections of Sydney cannot wait to get rid of her. She has pandered  to fringe groups and ignored the businesses that pay the huge rates and taxes.


She has destroyed whole sections of businesses and caused bottlenecks in other areas.


She has to go, she's only being able to stay there because of the weird and convoluted restrictions that are on businesses to be able to vote.


She came out yesterday and mouthed all the dire events  that will befall the city if she's voted

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

@lightningdance wrote:

Whole sections of Sydney cannot wait to get rid of her. She has pandered  to fringe groups and ignored the businesses that pay the huge rates and taxes.


She has destroyed whole sections of businesses and caused bottlenecks in other areas.


She has to go, she's only being able to stay there because of the weird and convoluted restrictions that are on businesses to be able to vote.


She came out yesterday and mouthed all the dire events  that will befall the city if she's voted

What "whole" sections? What "whole sections" has she destroyed? Where has she caused "bottlenecks"? What "weird and convoluted restictions on businesses"?


I am a business in her electorate. I am in her electorate every day. I don't hear any other business complaining. And I certainly don't hear any residents complaining.


How much involvement do YOU have with the City of Sydney lightningdance that makes you so knowledgable? 

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

What happened to my responses lightning?


I am still waiting to hear what it is that business hate about Moore exactly?

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

@lightningdance wrote:

Whole sections of Sydney cannot wait to get rid of her. She has pandered  to fringe groups and ignored the businesses that pay the huge rates and taxes.


She has destroyed whole sections of businesses and caused bottlenecks in other areas.


She has to go, she's only being able to stay there because of the weird and convoluted restrictions that are on businesses to be able to vote.


She came out yesterday and mouthed all the dire events  that will befall the city if she's voted

Long on rhetoric - short on substance.

Which sections, specifically?


Which fringe groups, specifically?


Which weird and convoluted restrictions?


Message 9 of 12
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Re: Clover Moore on borrowed time

@i-need-a-martini wrote:

What happened to my responses lightning?


I am still waiting to hear what it is that business hate about Moore exactly?

Can I join the queue?

Message 10 of 12
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