Dear Gladys and ilk.

The only time you can 'feel' the pain of others is to truly experience

the pain of others.

Let's stop 'your' income and tell you that all will be well in 8 weeks time.

Perhaps we will then have some respect for you.

First, let's get rid of this thing that is bruising our lives.
Later, we can discuss your complete lack of empathy.


Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 1 of 14
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Re: Dear Gladys and ilk.

Look on the bright side.
The flu is almost gone.

It seems that most of our flu infections start off inside

incoming travellers.

Don't worry too much.

When the borders open again the flu will come back.


Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 11 of 14
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Re: Dear Gladys and ilk.

How right you are, chameleon.

A lot of the past infections have been brought in by returning travellers and most of those live in NSW & Vic so logically those are the states most at risk. Plus last year, some ethnic groups in Melbourne deliberately flouted the rules and it helped spread the outbreaks.

The outbreaks are caused by a whole raft of reasons of course though, not just that.


I actually have some respect for Gladys. I have heard her talk (who hasn't. I bet we're all more aware now of who the state premiers are in every state) and she has admitted she has not got everything right. But it seems to me people were singing her praises when things went well and are now on her back because things aren't going as well.

I do believe she should have locked down sooner. Most people in Melbourne felt that. I don't think most people in NSW necessarily did though. I watched one commentator on TV, don't know his name, but he was really sarcastic about the partial lockdowns, saying even they were an over reaction because there were only 2 cases in this municipality and 2 in some other place and only one each in several other regions.

So she had people on her back whichever way she jumped.


And no, politicians in general don't feel the same pain about anything as maybe lower income workers do. That's always the case though, not just with lockdowns. Think of recessions etc

And a couple of years back, wasn't it Barnaby Joyce or someone who was complaining about struggling on one wage because he had 2 families to support? And his income was double what most people get and have to manage on. Their idea of struggle is different.

That doesn't mean Gladys doesn't have any empathy or that she doesn't care how things play out as her job is on the line. She wants the best outcome against this virus too, but politicians have not had to cope with quite this situation before.

I still think NSW is doing fairly well. People have such short memories. All this talk of doom and gloom. NSW is keeping the number of new cases daily WELL below 400. They are nowhere near what Melbourne went through at this time last year. I think 5 Aug last year was our worst day with close to 800 new cases.


Everyone's problem I think is they expect 'instant'. In March last year, they expected the virus to be a non problem within months. My sister was a case in point. Had to cancel a holiday to Thailand, rescheduled it for July with high hopes. A person i met in March last year had a wedding scheduled for October and said she hoped everything would have gone back to normal then. etc

Then with lockdowns, they expect 'instant' success. You all saw Melbourne. It takes a good 3 months with a larger outbreak. But it can be beaten, just needs time.

Message 12 of 14
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Re: Dear Gladys and ilk.

Not sure if it's just me but I am feeling a little
peeved at Gladys for making a song and dance

out of thanking recent people getting vaccinated.

No thanks to all those who 'fearlessly' had the jabs early.
Maybe during the next pandemic people will hesitate

until they see what's on offer for getting jabbed 😀
Boy am I in a cynical mood today.



Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 13 of 14
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Re: Dear Gladys and ilk.

Let's order 2 million covid breath testers from Singapore and use them
as a first line of detection ( as Singapore is now doing ).
Results in under 2 minutes with a follow up PCR swab if 'positive'.

Cost around $20.00 a pop requiring no expertise to operate.
PCR around $200.00 a pop ( the current gravy train for path labs ).
2 million breath tests = $20 million

2 million PCR tests = $200 million

Government saving = $360 million.

So why not a daily prize of $1 million
over the next year which can be won

by any double vaccinated person.
Forget this "We are proud of you" **bleep**.
We don't need pats on the head from fat cats
who are currently going into melt down because
their favourite Michelin is closed.


Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 14 of 14
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