Donald Trump inauguration


so many promises, so many questions.


i really get a lor of what he is saying and why so many want him to do the things hes promising.


but i ask, lets just pick the 'bring jobs back to america.


i presume he means manufacturing jobs.


so lets take something every american would buy thats not made in america but under president trump will once again be 'made in america'


television sets.


the reason televisions are made in china or korea ec t is really cheap labour meaning really low prices at the store when i buy my tv.

if america says, no more cheap imports of tvs, gotta make em in the USA then who is going to be happy to pay $2,000 for a tv that costs $500 now?


and that spreads to all imported goods trumps wanting to be 'made in america' again.


is he planning to lower wages for workers in america to the same as 3rd world countries?

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156 REPLIES 156

Re: Donald Trump inauguration

Now that would be a sight worth seeing Erica.

A sweet lil old Aussie grandmother taking a swipe at the great Donald Trump.

You would certainly get your 15 minutes of fame.Smiley LOL

Message 131 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

I have seen lots of world leaders come and go in my life, Lyndal,

but none as stupid and dangerous as Donald Trump.


Would be worth going to jail for.



Message 132 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

@lind9650 wrote:

He just proved to the world what kind of BULLY he is.

Trump has to be at the front and centre of attention to feed his ego.


As the ghost writer of Trumps book said ----- Trump does not know right from wrong, he only knows win or loose, and he will do anything to look like a winner.


He is lucky that I will never cross his path, or I would openly smack that arrogant smirk off his face.



I would pay to see that lind Woman LOL

Message 133 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

So, the horrible incident in London, and the Mayor of London's response, triggered yet another set of tweets from the Orange S***gibbon.  I heard that almost 2 million Britons have signed a petition barring the cretin from entering Great Britain........would that other nations follow their example.

Message 134 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

My goodness, following today's shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, Trump has proposed a ban on "White Guys", followed by Tweets exhorting that "every American should own an automatic weapon".

Message 135 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

Earliier this week, Trump condemned Qatar for being a terrorist-funding state.


Yesterday, he sold Qatar 12 billion dollars worth of arms.


The guy's left brain doesn't have any idea what his right brain is doing.

Message 136 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

Were I Marcovic, I'd have dumped that fat ass on his keister...........

Except you are far from capable of doing it.

Message 137 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

@lind9650 wrote:

I have seen lots of world leaders come and go in my life, Lyndal,

but none as stupid and dangerous as Donald Trump.


Would be worth going to jail for.



I believe your opinion is severely skewed by the left wing media.


And before I post proof of that, I also see a huge difference between the left here, and the left in Australia.


So as I bash the left and show them for the dishonest garbage they are, just know, I'm talking about the left here.

Message 138 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

@farnsworth4sale wrote:

@lind9650 wrote:

I have seen lots of world leaders come and go in my life, Lyndal,

but none as stupid and dangerous as Donald Trump.


Would be worth going to jail for.



I believe your opinion is severely skewed by the left wing media.


And before I post proof of that, I also see a huge difference between the left here, and the left in Australia.


So as I bash the left and show them for the dishonest garbage they are, just know, I'm talking about the left here.

 More fake news!

Message 139 of 157
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Re: Donald Trump inauguration

@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

My goodness, following today's shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, Trump has proposed a ban on "White Guys", followed by Tweets exhorting that "every American should own an automatic weapon".

Said as you gloss over the fact that the perpetraitor is a typical left wing loon.


Before Trump was elected, when Hillary thought she had the election in the bag, a lie lushed by the dishonest left wing media....they tried to paint the right as people who would riot when Hillary "won".


That didn't happen, but the left did exactly what they said the right would do. A common theme among lefties...projection.


After the election there many racial crimes against certain races and religions, which I've seen examples of posted here too. Here, like in our media, was painted as hate crimes by right, emboldened by Trump getting elected. I'm sure some of the posters here remember those.


WELL....every one of the crimes that has been solved, and most were, were commited by a lefty. Some did it to frame the right, while completing an agenda of their own. 


The tombstones getting destroyed, the leak of classified info in the news....all lefties.


A perfect example...the person I quoted above has the nerve to mention the shooting at Alexandria Virginia, using it in a perverted way, while ignoring the fact....the shooter was a lefty. Typical!

Message 140 of 157
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